Advice for Peptides and HGH use for ACL & Meniscus Surgery Recovery


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I have to get surgery in a couple of weeks to repair my knee. I'm a 32M, 185 lbs, workout regularly, and typically play sports weekly as well. My knowledge of peptides and supplements is pretty limited, so please bear with me as I am turning to you fine folks with legitimate knowledge and experience for some advice and help.

My main goals are to recover as quickly as possible, strengthen my body, and get back to my normal gym/sports routine as quickly as possible so I can minimize the atrophy and get my muscles back. All without screwing up my body and causing negative side effects. Anything that can be done in tandum to help with muscle recovery is a bonus, but not necessary. I might want to cycle something to boost my test once I can move both legs fully later down the line.

After a lot of research online, I found studies showing that HGH is great for tendon/ligament repair as well as BPC and TB4 peptides. So far, my plan post-op is injecting: 100-200mcg BPC-157 and low dose HGH of 2iu a day for at least 3 months. I heard TB4 could be pretty good to add into the mix as well.

My questions are:

1. Do you think that my plan for supplements and dosage is a good one?
1a. How long do you think I should use the supplements for? Fully recovery time is usually 6-12 months.
2. I read there is a difference between TB4 and TB-500, but when I search for TB4 online a lot of TB-500 stuff pops up. Is there a difference and is there a brand you recommend?
3. What dosage of TB4 should I do?
4. I hate needles. Is there a way I can load everything into a reusable pen and do them all at once each day? If so, can you point me in the right direction of a good pen I can buy?
5. I was referred to kits4less for the supplements. Can I trust this place for the HGH, BPC, and potentially the TB-500? (They only sell TB-500 and not TB4 if there is a difference) If this place is not legit, I probably cannot afford to buy the HGH at higher prices, unfortunately.

Thanks a lot for reading and your help, my knee and I really appreciate it!
After a lot of research online, I found studies showing that HGH is great for tendon/ligament repair as well as BPC and TB4 peptides. So far, my plan post-op is injecting: 100-200mcg BPC-157 and low dose HGH of 2iu a day for at least 3 months. I heard TB4 could be pretty good to add into the mix as well.

My questions are:

1. Do you think that my plan for supplements and dosage is a good one?

Thanks a lot for reading and your help, my knee and I really appreciate it!

Welcome to MESO.

100-200 ug BPC for healing/surgery is a very low dose. I'd consider something more along the lines of 500 ug twice a day.

TB500 (frag) for this purpose is more like 2.5 mg MWF (three times a week).

For GH, since you're planning on 3 months, you could slowly work up to 3 IU then 4 or 5.

Since it's an actual injury/surgery, I'd opt for the higher end of the dosing ranges.
Welcome to MESO.

100-200 ug BPC for healing/surgery is a very low dose. I'd consider something more along the lines of 500 ug twice a day.

TB500 (frag) for this purpose is more like 2.5 mg MWF (three times a week).

For GH, since you're planning on 3 months, you could slowly work up to 3 IU then 4 or 5.

Since it's an actual injury/surgery, I'd opt for the higher end of the dosing ranges.

Sorry, I thought I replied days ago, but for some reason, my response doesn't seem to have posted.

I appreciate the advice. I was initially planning on lower doses of everything to avoid any type of tolerance, but I think you're right, I should up the peptide dosages. Some follow-up questions:

1. Is there an ideal duration for GH cycles?

2. Can I mix the BPC, TB500, and GH into the same pen/syringe and inject them all at once?

3. Would you recommend I inject them into my lower quad by my knee? or will my stomach area suffice?

4. Can I use a reusable pen or do I need the diabetic syringes?

5. Have you heard of kits4less? Do you know if that place is legit or not?

Thanks again! I'm clearly clueless about this stuff and want to be as set up as possible.
The old GH mantra: as much as you can afford and tolerate.

Yes you can mix those 3 peptides. Stomach area injections are fine.

Either pins or pens work. Pens are more convenient imo.

Good luck brother!
Hi Everyone,

I have to get surgery in a couple of weeks to repair my knee. I'm a 32M, 185 lbs, workout regularly, and typically play sports weekly as well. My knowledge of peptides and supplements is pretty limited, so please bear with me as I am turning to you fine folks with legitimate knowledge and experience for some advice and help.

My main goals are to recover as quickly as possible, strengthen my body, and get back to my normal gym/sports routine as quickly as possible so I can minimize the atrophy and get my muscles back. All without screwing up my body and causing negative side effects. Anything that can be done in tandum to help with muscle recovery is a bonus, but not necessary. I might want to cycle something to boost my test once I can move both legs fully later down the line.

After a lot of research online, I found studies showing that HGH is great for tendon/ligament repair as well as BPC and TB4 peptides. So far, my plan post-op is injecting: 100-200mcg BPC-157 and low dose HGH of 2iu a day for at least 3 months. I heard TB4 could be pretty good to add into the mix as well.

My questions are:

1. Do you think that my plan for supplements and dosage is a good one?
1a. How long do you think I should use the supplements for? Fully recovery time is usually 6-12 months.
2. I read there is a difference between TB4 and TB-500, but when I search for TB4 online a lot of TB-500 stuff pops up. Is there a difference and is there a brand you recommend?
3. What dosage of TB4 should I do?
4. I hate needles. Is there a way I can load everything into a reusable pen and do them all at once each day? If so, can you point me in the right direction of a good pen I can buy?
5. I was referred to kits4less for the supplements. Can I trust this place for the HGH, BPC, and potentially the TB-500? (They only sell TB-500 and not TB4 if there is a difference) If this place is not legit, I probably cannot afford to buy the HGH at higher prices, unfortunately.

Thanks a lot for reading and your help, my knee and I really appreciate it!
Get a good physical therapist! Explain you want to return to sport, not return to just walking.

And the above for peptides is good
side note, most sources do not have tb500 frag and sell tb4 as tb500. TB4 is better dosed with a similar frequency to bpc-157.
Thanks for this I'm a little confused with the TB4. The TB Frag I'm finding online comes as a capsule or an oral spray. My understanding is that capsules are not as effective for my kind of injury and the preferred method is injecting.

Is there a different recommended dosage between Frag and TB500? I read elsewhere that injectable TB500 should be used, like you said, with the same frequency as BPC-157, but not over 1mg each time. Does that sound right?

I'm abut to buy my peptides and trying to make sure my math is correct and I buy the proper amount. I read that I should do 4 weeks on of the BPC/TB500 and two weeks off.

If I need higher dosages of the TB500, that would make it the most expensive peptide of the 3. If money becomes an issue and I could only pick 2 of the 3, which would you guys say I should go for?
I am taking all 3 right now plus semax. Before the gym I use hgh 3iu with 400mcg of semax in same syringe. After the gym I do 400mcg of bpc157 and 500mcg of Tb500 in the same syringe also and the same in the evening. I am making excellent progress with bad elbows and the semax is giving me good energy. Good luck
TB500 Frag (17-23) is usually dosed around 2.5 mg MWF (three times a week for a weekly total of ballpark ~7.5 mg).

BPC is typically dosed twice a day (250-500 ug BID) (relevance of this below):

These are some of the original dosing protocols, but sources are offering BPC/TB combo vials so dosing frequency obviously differs.

Efficacy unknown beyond bro-science anecdotes.
I didn't see this earlier, but i asked K4L about his tb500 after there were some irregularities on how it was listed. It's actually the entire chain tb4. This is better IMO, and usually more expensive. Less healing, but more full body assistance. You might need to dose higher for similar healing effects though.