Advice on Eq pct


New Member
I have been reading some articles about waiting 5 half life's before starting pct. old school says wait 21 days to start pct on Eq. But from what I have been reading, with a half life of 12-14 days, that would put pct start date at 60-70 days after the last injection. With test c that old school says 2 weeks but with the half life being 5-7 days that is more like 25-35 days. So with running these two compounds together, you would want to run the test c 30 days longer then the Eq ant then start pct in 30 more days. I was wanting to hear thoughts, opinions, and experiences with this. Thanks
So does anybody wait 5 half lives before they start their pct? I was thinking about running test prop at the end to cut the weight time. With a half life of 4 days that puts starting pct at 20 days. I was reading the perfect 8 week test cycle on the meso home page and Bill Roberts was suggesting finishing with prop and starting pct like 10 days after the last shot. Any thoughts?
EQ has a really long half life... So you're going to stay shut down for quite a while after your last pin... Most people run test (a short ester) for a few weeks after the EQ to let all the Bold clear their system... I'm about to start my PCT now, last EQ pin was start of August... Last test, a fortnight ago.
I also wait 5 half lives of the ester. The 21 days usually refers to test e. On this cycle I'm running cyp and instead of waiting 5 half lives on it I decided to end my cycle with 3 weeks of prop to start pct earlier.