Advice on possible infection or other?


New Member
I've been using Test and others for a few years without issues. I also have used the same lab for a few years. They are a big and pretty respected one from my overall research and understanding. That said I recently (last week around Thur) opened a new Test 500 bottle and injected 1cc in my shoulder. I have done this many times before...not positive I have used 500 , but certain I have used 300... either way the site and various injections have been done numerous times with out incident. I used sterile everything etc... About 1 day late my bi and tri began to get red, hot and swollen. At this point my upper arm area (bi and tri) is probably 2-3 inches larger than normal. I did goto the emergency room yesterday and they almost dismissed me without any guidance basically describing it as a PIP...I've had Pips and nothing like this before. Finally, though they did prescribe me Augmentin for 2xday for 7 days.
Can anyone provide any guidance, thoughts, or suggestions. I do not have a fever (though the area does)...all in all I do feel overall kind of beat down..(I would guess my body is fighting it). Trying to decide whether I should go see my PCM or how long I should wait to let the antibiotics try and work.
Thanks for any help~
Sounds like your gonna be fine and need more time for the inflammation to go down. Shouldn’t ever brew or buy test e at 500mg and pin your shoulder with it. My shoulder started hurting just reading that.
Live and learn. Stick to test C no higher than 250g/ml or test E 300 mg/ml.

Above and beyond that and the solvents used to get high concentrations become a problem.
Shit man..... even some of us that have been around the block run into shit like this.

3 weeks ago i managed to swell both my quads up with some Test P. Maybe it was the carrier oil or something. Never had trouble with prop before but I've almost always used gear with MCT as carrier oil. This was GSO..... glutes are fine with it. Quads told me to fuck off.

Ive got a stonecold whodunit on my hands here.
I have had this happen once via delt with a high mg blend. Took about 3 days for the swelling to go down. To much stuff, stuffed into 1ml and my delt said f that noise. (yes, its also swelled down my tri and bi and you are noticing)

You will be fine in a couple days.
Did my first quad injection a few weeks ago. Leg blew up. Swollen and painful for days. Did my first delt injections last week. 2 days after, biceps swelled and had a golf ball between delt and bicep. Went away after two days. You will be okay.
Live and learn. Stick to test C no higher than 250g/ml or test E 300 mg/ml.

Above and beyond that and the solvents used to get high concentrations become a problem.
I'm on T400 right now that is no more painful than your average 250mg/ml, but it's a test E/ test D blend. For the most part yeah, fuck the high octane shit. It's just not worth it since it's tricky to make it painless.

I've had T400 in the past that felt like I got kicked by a horse the next day, though. Fuck 500mg/ml. I don't care who makes it -- I don't want it.
Thanks again for the advice!
Thought I'd pass an update in case it's of help to anyone else. My arm is a lot better though still slightly swollen and red...most of the local fever is gone. I began taking 800mg Motrin 3xday and that I believe helped significantly. For the most part, it is all good now...only continuing symptom is it wakes me up about 6 hours after sleeping itching like hell. I pop Motrin and it subsides within about half an hour.
OP did you apply a heating pad after injection? Or lay the rig on the heating pad for a couple minutes to heat that shit up BEFORE? if your gear was in a cold ass bathroom.. anyways, yesterday is history- tomorrow's a mystery.

I'm an expert only because I've learned from these guys...years of reading. I'm glad you survived bro.

Killer, not trying to steal your limelight but this was some scary shit- you pushed too much gear. Obvi in hindsight you'd push much less with a SLIN, right? you pin all over till the cows come home.

Since you've lived to tell the tale, this a Q I've always wondered. Maybe Burt and Earnie can answer it? Look here: there is only SO much the body can take and absorb.

Lets say I eat 16 eggs. I will ingest it, but I will experience uncomfortable circumstances- maybe flatulence, diarrhea... whatever it is- my body is not going to absorb all those eggs protein and healthy fats. Are you following me, Burt & Earnie?

OP pinned- honestly? NOT THAT much gear! and his arm swelled up like a balloon.

Fellas, there's not a lot of bro science out there... You can't pin these huge amounts of gear! You think I liked pinning 1mg for 5 fucking days just to frontload?

But this is 400mg/ml! I didn't want to end up like the OP! We're not helping guys!

HOW MUCH CAN YOU PIN? in a day? without it blowing you up, destroying you, or wasting it??? No one has come clean on this! They just say, fuckin pin it! The OP did, look at his wasteland! What terrible advice!!!!
Never pin your delts bro. Get you some slins. Draw with a harpoon and backfill.

Pin your traps and if you have the balls, your triceps just make sure not to hit a vein. I never pin my legs that's why I'm always IN ACTION
Never pin your delts bro. Get you some slins. Draw with a harpoon and backfill.

Pin your traps and if you have the balls, your triceps just make sure not to hit a vein. I never pin my legs that's why I'm always IN ACTION
Surely you’re trolling. Dumbest shit I’ve seen today otherwise lol
OP did you apply a heating pad after injection? Or lay the rig on the heating pad for a couple minutes to heat that shit up BEFORE? if your gear was in a cold ass bathroom.. anyways, yesterday is history- tomorrow's a mystery.

I'm an expert only because I've learned from these guys...years of reading. I'm glad you survived bro.

Killer, not trying to steal your limelight but this was some scary shit- you pushed too much gear. Obvi in hindsight you'd push much less with a SLIN, right? you pin all over till the cows come home.

Since you've lived to tell the tale, this a Q I've always wondered. Maybe Burt and Earnie can answer it? Look here: there is only SO much the body can take and absorb.

Lets say I eat 16 eggs. I will ingest it, but I will experience uncomfortable circumstances- maybe flatulence, diarrhea... whatever it is- my body is not going to absorb all those eggs protein and healthy fats. Are you following me, Burt & Earnie?

OP pinned- honestly? NOT THAT much gear! and his arm swelled up like a balloon.

Fellas, there's not a lot of bro science out there... You can't pin these huge amounts of gear! You think I liked pinning 1mg for 5 fucking days just to frontload?

But this is 400mg/ml! I didn't want to end up like the OP! We're not helping guys!

HOW MUCH CAN YOU PIN? in a day? without it blowing you up, destroying you, or wasting it??? No one has come clean on this! They just say, fuckin pin it! The OP did, look at his wasteland! What terrible advice!!!!

My body can handle 5ML a day easy.
I think what you mean is you can't put that high a concentration into a small 1ML shot.
For clarity on the above, I pinned 500 in 1 cc...obviously, something wasn't right (as mentioned I guess too high of a concentration), but I've had no issues before and I thought I had used 500, but maybe it was actually 300 and I was wrong. When pinning myself the easiest location for me is my delts and I've never had an issue other than one time (either there or my tri) I did get the Tren cough. I do warm the stuff in a hot rice dish it goes in warm. I use a draw needle (16G) and swap it to a stick (23g). In the end, obviously, my body didn't tolerate it, and I'll assume it was just too high. I will likely toss the bottle rather than risk it again in a lower dose (I see it as an issue with the concentration or just bad batch), whatever it is I'd rather just eat the cost than play around with it.
For the most part I'm completely recovered at this point. Thanks again for chiming in to all of you and sharing your advice.
For clarity on the above, I pinned 500 in 1 cc...obviously, something wasn't right (as mentioned I guess too high of a concentration), but I've had no issues before and I thought I had used 500, but maybe it was actually 300 and I was wrong. When pinning myself the easiest location for me is my delts and I've never had an issue other than one time (either there or my tri) I did get the Tren cough. I do warm the stuff in a hot rice dish it goes in warm. I use a draw needle (16G) and swap it to a stick (23g). In the end, obviously, my body didn't tolerate it, and I'll assume it was just too high. I will likely toss the bottle rather than risk it again in a lower dose (I see it as an issue with the concentration or just bad batch), whatever it is I'd rather just eat the cost than play around with it.
For the most part I'm completely recovered at this point. Thanks again for chiming in to all of you and sharing your advice.
I guess everyone is different but if I have to warm up an oil to avoid pip it’s going in the trash. I’d bet the concentration is what gave you the pip as mentioned already. Theres a ton of people on this board that high concentration gear has given pip too
I think it's amusing I got slammed for "warming your gear".

It's just common sense. To say some dumb shit like, if I can't pin cold gear- I throw it away... how terrible!

Guys much bigger, much stronger, that have been running gear much longer than me have told me- heat that shit up using your finger and thumb (rub the rig), also throw a heating pad on the muscle for 5 minutes after pin.

This isn't my science. Go ahead, throw your gear in the trash. Asshole.