Have you? Have you really purchased testosterone from a guy at a gym and experienced inflammation causing BP increases? Or did you read it online? You might be surprised to learn that there is a study that “demonstrated an acute association between injectable testosterone and increased risk of acute cardiovascular events” post injection related to increases in serum levels. Some or the events post injection were myocardial infarction, stroke, or unstable angina.
Every symptom and side effect is not caused by contaminates and everything cannot be solved with filtering.
Injection Testosterone and Adverse Cardiovascular Events: A Case-crossover Analysis - PMC
Exogenous testosterone administration may affect blood clotting, polycythemia, and may increase atherosclerosis, though any association with cardiovascular events is unclear. While the literature is inconclusive, some studies have suggested
Yes I have.
And equally, everything is "Just pin it" to the dinosaurs who think if they don't end up in the emergency room 30 seconds after using something it's as clean as something straight out of Pfizer's factory.
How many studies have been done on street gear?
"My proposal for a study is to inject 1500 healthy subjects with this shit made in a dirty kitchen using cooking oil and see what happens."
"It you don't lose an ass cheek it's fine..."

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