Does your face change dramatically between being on and off testosterone?

Yeah i personally noticed i looked more childish when coming off testosterone that’s what i noticed ages ago I haven’t come off test in a lot of years
My face was leaner and sharper natty, even while fat from a 2 year bulk.

On test, even a low cruise dose, even while lean, its always puffier and rounder. Not e2 related.
I notice that as well, my body looks softer but my face looks sunken in off test. It’s definitely not just e2 related as even with an AI it’s noticeable l
Also, higher test levels increase the perception of faces, including our own, as "hostile".

So if you're looking a bit scarier to yourself, then could be part of the perceived change.
Yeah I look older and rougher on high test after a while especially if I use AIs and DHT alongside
Even with e2 controlled?
im not that far, yet. im takin 1/2 of 25mg tab of aromasin weekly split into 2 doses on 500mg / week. removed most of my water / bloat but face is still bit puffy, much less but its there.

in less than 2 weeks i have blood test planned and will see there my estrogen is and if needed, i will increase dose of ai.
first blast, im learning estrogen managment but dont wanna overdo it with ai. even 12,5mg weekly solved bloating / water renetion for me so dont wanna push it without numbers from blood test.
Test and Primo made my chest and back hair grow like crazy, luckily its all bright blonde so not that obvious but keeps me fuzzy warm in the winter for sure. My face got more mature, more "manly" according to friends but never paid attention to it myself
test makes you hold more fluid, from nutrient retention or aldosterone levels, whatever,
this will make you look fatter and older. I will have just lost my abs on 1500mg+ test but my face will be fatter than an obese man even with estrogen in range. also perhaps this has to do with cortisol as well. there are muscles in the face so those will have additional nutrient retention/glycogen aswell as the rest of the muscles, if your muscles are full and pumped and soft look, so will your face. A good example of this is beef stu, he has a very masculine muscular face but with layer of water and fat, all the features go away and it just looks like a large face.

I'm on 400mg now and I'm going to keep it there and add anabolics so I can get a girlfriend and not look like a monster. it kind of looks ok if you are 300lbs but i am not 300lbs.

i think the dry compoounds added to the 400mg will make me look better.
I'm going to add a dry oral or two, (epistane,anavar,tbol) and like 50-75mg tren. ive seen winstrol indicated medically for edema but last time I used it I got facial acne instantly from like 5mg-10mg

probably 420mg test, 25mg epistane, 25mg anavar 50 tren

i found some epistane locally so I'm looking forward getting labs on that and seeing how bad it really is.
test makes you hold more fluid, from nutrient retention or aldosterone levels, whatever,
this will make you look fatter and older. I will have just lost my abs on 1500mg+ test but my face will be fatter than an obese man even with estrogen in range. also perhaps this has to do with cortisol as well. there are muscles in the face so those will have additional nutrient retention/glycogen aswell as the rest of the muscles, if your muscles are full and pumped and soft look, so will your face. A good example of this is beef stu, he has a very masculine muscular face but with layer of water and fat, all the features go away and it just looks like a large face.

I'm on 400mg now and I'm going to keep it there and add anabolics so I can get a girlfriend and not look like a monster. it kind of looks ok if you are 300lbs but i am not 300lbs.

i think the dry compoounds added to the 400mg will make me look better.
I'm going to add a dry oral or two, (epistane,anavar,tbol) and like 50-75mg tren. ive seen winstrol indicated medically for edema but last time I used it I got facial acne instantly from like 5mg-10mg

probably 420mg test, 25mg epistane, 25mg anavar 50 tren

i found some epistane locally so I'm looking forward getting labs on that and seeing how bad it really is.
Wow it really is that bad? Personally I look my best facially on 100-150 mg test and winstrol/masteron. Body looks thinner and flat but face has shape to it. Funny enough, people respected me more and found me intimidating when I was at my smallest 185lbs because the sharp features of my face were very pronounced.

On a high test and 20lbs heavier with moon face people do not find me intimidating at all, no respect either. Invisible to women.
Wow it really is that bad? Personally I look my best facially on 100-150 mg test and winstrol/masteron. Body looks thinner and flat but face has shape to it. Funny enough, people respected me more and found me intimidating when I was at my smallest 185lbs because the sharp features of my face were very pronounced.

On a high test and 20lbs heavier with moon face people do not find me intimidating at all, no respect either. Invisible to women.
yeah, could be related to total inflammation or cortisol or me personally, I did get a little fat towards the end but I still see a lot of guys that look like what i described in myself. maybe there is a % bf that makes the monface exponential, i dont know. I looked at some older pictures of me and it wasnt too bad but it seemed to get worse as the months got on despite not gaining that much BF. lots of factors who knows, I will do high test again when I am extra lean again and more comfortable, with a girlfriend and the dad bod will be test bloat