Libido gone after 2 doses of GW 0742 - QSC


New Member
Hi, i bought gw 0742 from QSC so its analyzed.

I used 20mg wich was to high of a dose as it gave me headache, so i stopped afterward to take a break. But i also realized my libido was gone. I tried looking on reddit and i saw a few post with people experincing the same thing. Its been 3 weeks now and basically zero lust

Have anyone of you guys done GW off cycle and noticed that your libido get drastically reduced?

I also started magnesium a week before and thats the only change. I see alot of post with guys claiming mag tank there libido, possibly due to glutamate is needed for excitement, and mag blocks it. Could be? but as it happend just straight after dosing GW i feel that might be the biggest bet


"It definitely made my libido go down. I took 10mg for 2 weeks and then stopped because I disnt have time for cardio. It was from Receptor chem and worked wondefully. A week after I stopped, my dick went limp and i havent gotten a boner for 3 weeks now."

"Came off cardarine and I’ve been going through the same shit. Took bloods and I was at 263. I believe it causes a partial shutdown. Feeling a little better but I’ve been off for about two weeks now"
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In all seriousness. very few substances can induce permanent endocrine disruption with a couple of doses, though it may seem like it when it continues for days or weeks.

Several anti-testosterone drugs are PPAR agonists like GW 0742,

Aromasin can crash estrogen for an extended period, finasteride can do the same to DHT, both killing libido for up to a month or a bit more until things recover.

They both tend to induce panic, especially the latter. The bigger problem is that libido can be suppressed psychologically as well, making a temporary problem "permanent".

Since it's so highly unlikely you've "broken something", even though we
don't know exactly what's been thrown off hormoneally, just relax and wait for things to rebalance,

Get a hormone panel if you want to feel like you're doing something, and regardless of results, rather than intervening wait until 6 weeks have passed, and if libido hasn't recovered, take another and see where you are before trying to fix anything with more drugs. Odds are pretty good things will be back to normal by then, as long as you don't obsess about this issue.

You could try some PT-141, specifically indicated to boost female libido. Just the reassurance you can still get horny is often enough to break psychogenic lack of libido.

And of course, toss that crap and never use it again.
In all seriousness. very few substances can induce permanent endocrine disruption with a couple of doses, though it may seem like it when it continues for days or weeks.

Several anti-testosterone drugs are PPAR agonists like GW 0742,

Aromasin can crash estrogen for an extended period, finasteride can do the same to DHT, both killing libido for up to a month or a bit more until things recover.

They both tend to induce panic, especially the latter. The bigger problem is that libido can be suppressed psychologically as well, making a temporary problem "permanent".

Since it's so highly unlikely you've "broken something", even though we
don't know exactly what's been thrown off hormoneally, just relax and wait for things to rebalance,

Get a hormone panel if you want to feel like you're doing something, and regardless of results, rather than intervening wait until 6 weeks have passed, and if libido hasn't recovered, take another and see where you are before trying to fix anything with more drugs. Odds are pretty good things will be back to normal by then, as long as you don't obsess about this issue.

You could try some PT-141, specifically indicated to boost female libido. Just the reassurance you can still get horny is often enough to break psychogenic lack of libido.

And of course, toss that crap and never use it again.
Thanks for reply

Its very strange as i have a whole lot of studies saved regarding how these drugs can be used in chronic disease, and it all shows great results.

Except the overdose studies showing cancer but one can make the same study with cancer and eating regular food, as what we eat is what fuel cancer. so i dont care about that

But i have seen no study regarding its effect on hormones. As it restore metabolism one would think it could even increase hormones...

The only thing ive seen is a respons to a guy that got this libido crash, and he wrote that the pathway tcardarine drugs work on is connected to testosterone in some way. is this what you are talking about?

"Several anti-testosterone drugs are PPAR agonists like GW 0742"
In all seriousness. very few substances can induce permanent endocrine disruption with a couple of doses, though it may seem like it when it continues for days or weeks.

Several anti-testosterone drugs are PPAR agonists like GW 0742,

Aromasin can crash estrogen for an extended period, finasteride can do the same to DHT, both killing libido for up to a month or a bit more until things recover.

They both tend to induce panic, especially the latter. The bigger problem is that libido can be suppressed psychologically as well, making a temporary problem "permanent".

Since it's so highly unlikely you've "broken something", even though we
don't know exactly what's been thrown off hormoneally, just relax and wait for things to rebalance,

Get a hormone panel if you want to feel like you're doing something, and regardless of results, rather than intervening wait until 6 weeks have passed, and if libido hasn't recovered, take another and see where you are before trying to fix anything with more drugs. Odds are pretty good things will be back to normal by then, as long as you don't obsess about this issue.

You could try some PT-141, specifically indicated to boost female libido. Just the reassurance you can still get horny is often enough to break psychogenic lack of libido.

And of course, toss that crap and never use it again.
saw this, dont remember wich PPAR that cardarine works on but PPARa shows. (edit: GW501516, a PPARδ agonis)

"Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor α (PPARα) to the developmental/reproductive toxicity in male. The development of this AOP relies on evidence collected from rodent models and incorporates human mechanistic and epidemiological data. The PPARα is a ligand-activated transcription factor that belongs to the nuclear receptor family, which also includes the steroid and thyroid hormone receptors. The hypothesis that PPARα action is the mechanistic basis for effects on the reproductive system arises from limited experimental data indicating relationships between activation of this receptor and impairment of steroidogenesis leading to reproductive toxicity. PPARs play important roles in the metabolic regulation of lipids, of which cholesterol, in particular, being a precursor of steroid hormones, makes the link between lipid metabolism to effects on reproduction. The key events in the pathway comprise the activation of PPARα, followed by the disruption cholesterol transport in mitochondria, impairment of hormonal balance which leads to malformation of the reproductive tract in males which may lead to impaired fertility. The PPARα-initiated AOP to rodent male developmental toxicity is a first step for structuring current knowledge about a mode of action which is neither AR-mediated nor via direct steroidogenesis enzymes inhibition. In the current form the pathway lays a strong basis for linking an endocrine mode of action with an apical endpoint, a prerequisite requirement for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals. This AOP is complemented with a structured data collection which will serve as the basis for further quantitative development of the pathway."
saw this, dont remember wich PPAR that cardarine works on but PPARa shows. (edit: GW501516, a PPARδ agonis)

"Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor α (PPARα) to the developmental/reproductive toxicity in male. The development of this AOP relies on evidence collected from rodent models and incorporates human mechanistic and epidemiological data. The PPARα is a ligand-activated transcription factor that belongs to the nuclear receptor family, which also includes the steroid and thyroid hormone receptors. The hypothesis that PPARα action is the mechanistic basis for effects on the reproductive system arises from limited experimental data indicating relationships between activation of this receptor and impairment of steroidogenesis leading to reproductive toxicity. PPARs play important roles in the metabolic regulation of lipids, of which cholesterol, in particular, being a precursor of steroid hormones, makes the link between lipid metabolism to effects on reproduction. The key events in the pathway comprise the activation of PPARα, followed by the disruption cholesterol transport in mitochondria, impairment of hormonal balance which leads to malformation of the reproductive tract in males which may lead to impaired fertility. The PPARα-initiated AOP to rodent male developmental toxicity is a first step for structuring current knowledge about a mode of action which is neither AR-mediated nor via direct steroidogenesis enzymes inhibition. In the current form the pathway lays a strong basis for linking an endocrine mode of action with an apical endpoint, a prerequisite requirement for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals. This AOP is complemented with a structured data collection which will serve as the basis for further quantitative development of the pathway."
If you scroll down on that link, it dose not look good. how can this not have been talked about?
If you scroll down on that link, it dose not look good. how can this not have been talked about?

There is no "Random Underground Produced Peptides Safety Agency". I guess the better question would be, why would a major pharma company walk away from a drug that burns off fat effortlessly? Not enough of a market?

I give it a decade before we start seeing the impact of all the UGL GLP and other peptide users wondering why they're developing alzheimer's like neurodegeneration 50 years early because they thought all the effort pharma and the FDA puts into preventing aggregates from forming in authorized peptide drugs was a bunch of "bubbleboy fearmongering",

Nobody is coming to rescue us (UGL. peptide users). We're on our own, and if what I said comes to pass, the Chinese will see it as a feature, not a bug.

I suggest you (and everyone) use pharma BAC, reconstitute to the correct proportions, and filter, That's as much as we can do to reduce risk if we're going to play around with these things.
Do you know that gw 7 something makes ur heart grow big asf and thats why no one actually use it who knows what hes doing. Just google it and u will see ;)
So a flaccid Johnson, and an enlarged heart. Got it.

This is why I stay off Reddit, and stick to the same steroids people have been doing for 50 years.
Seem to work great, as not a singel one of you have posted the studies i posted on PPAR and testosterone.

The heart growth is from the heart becoming stronger. Alot of AAS do this as well (regular use not abuse)