New to PEDs, looking for some advice

No. Testosterone is highly suppressive. What I was trying to say is that Dbol is very suppressive as well so if you are going to use something that is very suppressive your first choice should be testosterone. Testosterone is very effective and has less health effects and side effects than a synthetic such as Dbol. I would suggest just Var or testosterone and Var.

Another thing to consider would be GH. Do you know your igf1 level? Older guys, myself included, often find even two IU nightly to be a huge difference. I get much better recoveryand many other benefits from it. If your goal is fat loss and recovery GH is a much better choice than Var. GH has no risk of suppression and helps fat loss more significantly than lower dose Var.
I have not checked igf1, but guessing bring 5ft5 the levels might not be very high. XD

Never thought about gh, but will definitely look into it.
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Dbol will definately suppress you to a signifigant extent. So can anavar.
There are real human studies on suppression from Var. It is much less suppressive than d-ball. Of course it depends on the dose and the length of time as well as each individual. But in general, d-ball is very suppressive and VAR is mild to moderately suppressive.
I have not checked igf1, but guessing bring 5ft5 the levels might not be very high. XD

Never thought about gh, but will definitely look into it.
Your height has mostly to do with your genetics and not so much to do with your testosterone or igf-1. Even if you have sky High testosterone and igf-1 during puberty, your genetics will limit your height.
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There are real human studies on suppression from Var. It is much less suppressive than d-ball. Of course it depends on the dose and the length of time as well as each individual. But in general, d-ball is very suppressive and VAR is mild to moderately suppressive.
Yeah, I agree with you. Still suppressive though, espeacially for someone 55 year old.