Is 300mg test E going to be dangerous for me?

People don’t just start blasting one gram out of the blue, even when they start a new cycle they often work their way up to the full dose so they don’t lose the first few weeks of their blast to adjusting to side effects. Why don’t you start with a lower dose for a few weeks first and then increase later when you feel good with your current one? Breaking up your dose to a 3x a week injection will also help

For me personally the difference between 200 mg and 300 mg is the difference between almost no sides and a lot of sides, you want to manage your sides as slow as you can if your goal is to be safe.
Thank you for the reply, you don’t run 300mg? What sides do you get from that?
What's your history of gear use? If any.

What's the source of this vial? Local, UGL, homebrewed?
I ran 300mg test E from chilton labs for about 3 months, injecting 2x weekly then I wanted to move to 600mg so one day I injected 300mg, the next day after my head started hurting and feeling hot so I decided to check my bp and it was 155/80. I stopped testosterone immediately and a few days later I had to go ER/A&E where I measured 170/105. My bp as of right now is 110-120 systolic and 60-70 diastolic.
I ran 300mg test E from chilton labs for about 3 months, injecting 2x weekly then I wanted to move to 600mg so one day I injected 300mg, the next day after my head started hurting and feeling hot so I decided to check my bp and it was 155/80. I stopped testosterone immediately and a few days later I had to go ER/A&E where I measured 170/105. My bp as of right now is 110-120 systolic and 60-70 diastolic.

Something very similar happened to me on multiple occasions with gear from a gym supplier. My GF kept commenting how hot I was, like a furnace. My BP rose to 155/90. As soon as I wised up and started using pharma, then reputable "commercial" UGL gear nothing like it ever happened again.

It's hard to say for certain if course, but I doubt this is a sign of some sensitivity to Test, and much more likely the gear itself.

I'm sure it was due to some sort of contamination, that's probably impossible to detect without very expensive testing.

I'd just try with a vial from a different supplier, though I understand your caution.
Something very similar happened to me on multiple occasions with gear from a gym supplier. My GF kept commenting how hot I was, like a furnace. My BP rose to 155/90. As soon as I wised up and started using pharma, then reputable "commercial" UGL gear nothing like it ever happened again.

It's hard to say for certain if course, but I doubt this is a sign of some sensitivity to Test, and much more likely the gear itself.

I'm sure it was due to some sort of contamination.
Okok thank you for the reply. Which contamination could cause this?
Okok thank you for the reply. Which contamination could cause this?

Most common bacterial or endotoxin contamination causes LOW blood pressure.

When you dig into outbreaks of similar symptoms from contaminated commercial pharma injectables, with dangerously high BP and high temps, it's viruses, particulates, or fairly rare bacteria (that aren't detected with standard sterility tests).

A virus in the air of a home lab that might give the operator (or their dog) a mild cold can cause far more serious symptoms when injected. Particulates from whatever source can induce a systemic allergic response that includes high BP.

Honestly, It's almost impossible to know, but there aren't many cases of suddenly developing an allergy or hypersensitivity to test that would cause these symptoms.

I think given you were ok previously points to this specific gear and not a general problem with Test.
To find out how much of this is because of how your body reacts to the increased testosterone and E2 vs. other factors, be it nerves or something entirely different, how about you dial the dose all the way back to 150mg per week (i.e. a high-dose TRT) and see how your body reacts?

If you get the same BP spike with a lower dose then it might be anxiety, or perhaps the gear is contaminated.

If you don't get any problems from a TRT dose, then you can start working your way up.

From there, if you don't have any problems as you ramp up the dose, then something entirely different probably caused the spike in BP.

On the other hand, if your BP increases as you ramp up the dosage and you end up being severely hypertensive again around 300mg, then the problem is either with your gear or your body's reaction to it.

You may choose to then try a different supplier, and if that produces similar results then accept that it's just not meant for you, at least not for now. Perhaps there are lifestyle changes that you can make that will produce more favourable outcomes should you try it again in the future.

Alternatively, you can try lowering your blood pressure using medication to prevent your cardiovascular system from getting rekt by the testosterone, but if your body reacts this strongly to 300mg of testosterone then there is a chance that other health markers are in the red as well.
I pinned 150mg and the same thing happened, i think my gear is just contaminated because I’m not anxious at all
1st of all it could be your body reacting to increased dosage of testosterone if you’re not a regular user u might get some side effects like that until your body balance it out.
2nd very sensitive to estrogen so your e2 spikes like crazy
3rd bad gear or your body just doesn’t accept this carrier oil ba/bb percentage etc.
4th it seems like you’re not very consistent with your dosages so that could play a vital role here.

Best bet is
1. Change gear go into something reputable and clean and even pharmacy grade
2. Take an AI when you notice the BP spikes if it comes down it’s more likely to e2
3. Be consistent and split your dose as much as you can 3x per week is nice
4. Do cardio , when you’re lean af your body responds the best
5. Go donate blood and check your hematicrit
6. Hydrate yourself

If all those doesn’t work maybe testosterone isn’t your anabolic after all
I pinned 150mg and the same thing happened, i think my gear is just contaminated because I’m not anxious at all

Contamination? Why would contamination be the first conclusion you'd jump to? @Ghoul do you have some issues with germs, a phobia? This fella, instead of taking action and figuring his underlying issues, just hung on your contamination theory, and now he's basically fucked. This is what I was referring to in the previous thread that we talked about, doing harm while actually trying to do harm reduction. While contamination and an immune response are always a possibility, it shouldn't be your first concern, and underlying pathophysiological reasons should be explored.

OP, you clearly have an "anomaly" in your RAAS and/or SNS, which predisposes you to (as an end result) increased BP when administering high/supra physiological aas amounts. Your response isn't out of the potential aas induced side effects, high bp is to be expected, albeit not to the extent you are experiencing it.

And anxiety isn't a prerequisite for high BP at all, from where did you get that idea? Androgens increase bp via multiple pathways; increased angiotensin 2 levels causing vasoconstriction, increased aldosterone, causing sodium retention which expands blood volume, increased SNS, causing catecholamine release, increasing vasoconstriction, etc. etc.
Contamination? Why would contamination be the first conclusion you'd jump to? @Ghoul do you have some issues with germs, a phobia? This fella, instead of taking action and figuring his underlying issues, just hung on your contamination theory, and now he's basically fucked. This is what I was referring to in the previous thread that we talked about, doing harm while actually trying to do harm reduction. While contamination and an immune response are always a possibility, it shouldn't be your first concern, and underlying pathophysiological reasons should be explored.

OP, you clearly have an "anomaly" in your RAAS and/or SNS, which predisposes you to (as an end result) increased BP when administering high/supra physiological aas amounts. Your response isn't out of the potential aas induced side effects, high bp is to be expected, albeit not to the extent you are experiencing it.

And anxiety isn't a prerequisite for high BP at all, from where did you get that idea? Androgens increase bp via multiple pathways; increased angiotensin 2 levels causing vasoconstriction, increased aldosterone, causing sodium retention which expands blood volume, increased SNS, causing catecholamine release, increasing vasoconstriction, etc. etc.

Plenty of us have experience with gear bought from "the guy at the gym" that led to systemic inflammation and other symptoms, while sudden, extreme rises in BP from modest doses of Test are almost unheard of.
Plenty of us have experience with gear bought from "the guy at the gym" that led to systemic inflammation and other symptoms, while sudden, extreme rises in BP from modest doses of Test are almost unheard of.

It's not unheard off/unseen and it's withing aas abuse normal expected side effects, albeit more pronounced. So first rationale should be underlying raas/cns pathology.

And it's not so sudden. It's past Tmax or right at Tmax. The only variable relevant to bp increase, which hasn't had time to express it self is aromatization.

How old are you ghoul?
It's not unheard off/unseen and it's withing aas abuse normal expected side effects, albeit more pronounced. So first rationale should be underlying raas/cns pathology.

And it's not so sudden. It's past Tmax or right at Tmax. The only variable relevant to bp increase, which hasn't had time to express it self is aromatization.

How old are you ghoul?

This argument is moot.

He's trying another source. We'll know if the symptoms resolve after that, and have something to discuss then.
Plenty of us have experience with gear bought from "the guy at the gym" that led to systemic inflammation and other symptoms, while sudden, extreme rises in BP from modest doses of Test are almost unheard of.
Have you? Have you really purchased testosterone from a guy at a gym and experienced inflammation causing BP increases? Or did you read it online? You might be surprised to learn that there is a study that “demonstrated an acute association between injectable testosterone and increased risk of acute cardiovascular events” post injection related to increases in serum levels. Some or the events post injection were myocardial infarction, stroke, or unstable angina.

Every symptom and side effect is not caused by contaminates and everything cannot be solved with filtering.

To come back to the original creators point. 300mg of Test E can be run forever if you remain proactive, check labs, organs, exercise, dont eat shit food and take good care of your body.

Been running 250mg of Test for a year, then 300 and now 6 months into 350mg. Nothing has changed, lipids keep improving, weight keeps dropping and all that.

Just dont use it as an excuse to be lazy, listen to your body and stay on top of things! Address issues and make sure to educate yourself so that you have a better understanding how AAS work and impact your body.