After 2 years off planning new blast


I Blast cruise for 4 years and went off for fertility for 2 years

I Wanne blast cruise again and planning a new "first" cycle ...what you think its the best, i never try eq or primo but i dont wanne use tren anymore and no high 19 nor cycles

any ideas or info on a new cycle are welcom

Was thinking about

Week 1 to 6
400 test 260 primo split into eod pinning
Maybe 30mg anavar ed

Week 6 To 12
400 test 260 primo 160npp eod pinning

Week 12 to 16/18
600 test 300 primo 300 npp

Then cruise for a min of 12 weeks and take bloodwork to see how everthing looks

Maybe switch primo for eq for mass?

Keep the primo instead of Eq for sure- I’d also skip the var, don’t need any orals in the off-season and kills appetite in a lot of guys- if you can’t eat, you can’t get big
Test and primo is a great mass building stack. A little NPP if you really want for the joints. I wouldn’t take anavar while trying to build size
I Blast cruise for 4 years and went off for fertility for 2 years

I Wanne blast cruise again and planning a new "first" cycle ...what you think its the best, i never try eq or primo but i dont wanne use tren anymore and no high 19 nor cycles

any ideas or info on a new cycle are welcom

Was thinking about

Week 1 to 6
400 test 260 primo split into eod pinning
Maybe 30mg anavar ed

Week 6 To 12
400 test 260 primo 160npp eod pinning

Week 12 to 16/18
600 test 300 primo 300 npp

Then cruise for a min of 12 weeks and take bloodwork to see how everthing looks

Maybe switch primo for eq for mass?

All looking good and will see great gains if your nutrition is in place. Tho I never was a fan of pyramid type of doesing unless it is short acting, in my opinion you could straight up start with your desired dosages but whatever works for you
Equipoise is a hit or miss, I personally like it. Nice cosmetic effect, strength and stamina boost. I don't get low e2 symptoms, anxiety or thick blood on it. All the positives for me and I can eat a bit more while staying lean. Only one thing is scaring me is it's effect on kidneys, I don't want to mess with that. Yet it is inconclusive whether it truly damages kidneys or not.