After first cycle, blast & cruise? Good 2nd cycle?


So I’m 10 weeks into 16 week basic cycle. 500 mg/ week test. I have nolvadex for pct after cycle but I’m starting to feel as though this is probably a lifestyle rather than just dipping my feet in. I have had no discernible side effects.

If I begin blast and cruise for i determinate amount of time, what are the potential drawbacks? Is it basically life spanning? Will it shorten my lifespan lol? How long do I need to wait between blasts? Thinking 200 mg a week

I was also hoping to get some advice on second blast or cycle to continue growth? What can I add to really jump to the next level?

Thank you
If I begin blast and cruise for i determinate amount of time, what are the potential drawbacks? Is it basically life spanning? Will it shorten my lifespan lol? How long do I need to wait between blasts? Thinking 200 mg a week
The answers here are largely going to depend on your age.

If you are 20 and decide to be injecting for the rest of your life as well as being on 2 cycles a year well yeah... your lifespan is highly likely to be shortened. Depending on genetic conditions possibly by a tremendous amount.

If you are 50 and just stating well the life span effects are going to be much closer to negligible and the increase in muscle mass/function/and compression of morbidity are likely worth the risk (depending on health conditions and genetics of course).

Not sure how much we can tell you without a lot more info about you, your stats, current cycle process, blood test results on this cycle etc...
The answers here are largely going to depend on your age.

If you are 20 and decide to be injecting for the rest of your life as well as being on 2 cycles a year well yeah... your lifespan is highly likely to be shortened. Depending on genetic conditions possibly by a tremendous amount.

If you are 50 and just stating well the life span effects are going to be much closer to negligible and the increase in muscle mass/function/and compression of morbidity are likely worth the risk (depending on health conditions and genetics of course).

Not sure how much we can tell you without a lot more info about you, your stats, current cycle process, blood test results on this cycle etc...
37, 197lbs, 6’0, I understand. I didn’t get my blood work when scheduled because I really have just felt great and have very little free time.
I didn’t get my blood work when scheduled because I really have just felt great and have very little free time.
So this part would have to go away hugely before you start contemplating doing this as a serious lifelong thing.

You can't be asking about health concerns etc while also not being bothered enough to do the most basic health groundwork.

Do you need bloodwork for every cycle from here until the grave? No, but you need bloodwork from a pre-cycle (totally clean) spot to begin with, a mid-cycle test someplace to see how it affects you, and post cycle (even for B&C) to see what you steady-state levels do or do NOT return to.

I don't think you are in a prepared state to make any sort of long-term commitment to this yet and would strongly advise against it until you are much MUCH more read and prepared.
This is a recipe for disaster. First few cycles should be followed by pct and recovery. Only then make decisions. You don't make life changing decisions when high do you? That's why you come off and calm down and rethink the whole process. We all want to be millionaires and sleep with hot women by tomorrow. Everything that is worthwhile takes time and hard work and yes that comes with the suck part which you must embrace if you want to be successful in life. So my advice is embrace the come off part, prove it to yourself that you can do it and then think what do next. Don't jump the gun too soon man.

All else being said by fellow member @grey and he is right. Especially injecting yourself for the rest of your life part, now that is just one annoyance there are many more I can assure you that.
This is a recipe for disaster. First few cycles should be followed by pct and recovery. Only then make decisions. You don't make life changing decisions when high do you? That's why you come off and calm down and rethink the whole process. We all want to be millionaires and sleep with hot women by tomorrow. Everything that is worthwhile takes time and hard work and yes that comes with the suck part which you must embrace if you want to be successful in life. So my advice is embrace the come off part, prove it to yourself that you can do it and then think what do next. Don't jump the gun too soon man.

All else being said by fellow member @grey and he is right. Especially injecting yourself for the rest of your life part, now that is just one annoyance there are many more I can assure you that.
I understand. I will get bloodwork at earliest opportunity. I work a lot and my time is usually allocated. Being straightforward, I am dreading ending this cycle as in the past I have been very susceptible to depression. I won’t go that road again. There is nothing I wouldn’t give to avoid that deep set depression. I am trying to do this right I will do better
Being straightforward, I am dreading ending this cycle as in the past I have been very susceptible to depression. I won’t go that road again. There is nothing I wouldn’t give to avoid that deep set depression. I am trying to do this right I will do better
Man I hear you there... No easy answers.
I disagree with some of the people here

Nothing worse than fucking up your hormones then playing yo-yo with your body.

You either start and TRT/cruise or don’t even start and fuck your body up.
Youll cycle, PCT, you’ll lose most of the gains, look horrible off gear

Then hop on gear again due to body dysmorphia.
Either way your messing up with your life.. if you play it safe, blood work every 3 months and took the proper PHARMA meds to combat steroids sides, you’ll live long.. until god takes you
Either way your messing up with your life.. if you play it safe, blood work every 3 months and took the proper PHARMA meds to combat steroids sides, you’ll live long.. until god takes you
Which is why we said what we did.

That position of medical safety? OP is not there.
Which is why we said what we did.

That position of medical safety? OP is not there.
But he has to be there.. I did it wrong for so many years and finally I’m doing it right. It’s time to preach and get these noobs on these protocols since their asking on life prolongation
But he has to be there..
and yet he isn't and has other psych issues to deal with as well.

Simply stamping your foot about it won't be changing the reality that advising a continuance here would be a bad bad idea.

Compliance is a thing. Pretending it isn't helps no one and hurts plenty.
The depression post cycle is very real. It sucks bad. What goes up, will come down.

Stay on top of things with labwork couple times a year, most definitely a lifestyle
and yet he isn't and has other psych issues to deal with as well.

Simply stamping your foot about it won't be changing the reality that advising a continuance here would be a bad bad idea.

Compliance is a thing. Pretending it isn't helps no one and hurts plenty.
That’s my opinion lol, I’m not forcing him to do anything. He can listen or not.. I couldn’t careless
I did pct twice, dont think if I continue gear I could keep doing it. hormone imbalance + clomid or nolva both give violent moodswings clinical depression and bizarre behavior for me. stuff i did during 2nd pct will haunt me the rest of my life. Its either blast and cruise or quit altogether. If you're someone who can tho you should, building the ideal muscle then returning to high functioning natural. alternative is u turn into an artificial alpha with hypogonadal baby nuts dependant the rest of your life. I wasnt planning to do that but I dont care im not anywhere close to where i want to be yet so im gonna do it anyway.
I appreciate the responses on this thread even though its pretty old and OP is/finished his second cycle lol. Changed my mind from doing a b&c first time.