How many of you are using test only for blasts?

Currently running a test only blast. And I’m growing so much better because it’s just a simple cycle. Test on Sunday, test on Wednesday. Eat food. Life four - five times a week. No deca so I’m not a zombie, no Tren so I’m not being a fucking schitzo, no orals cause let’s be fair they don’t really do anything.

Test is best.
How much of a deal is slin with HGH? Ive only ever used HGH not both
Best cycle I ever ran was test npp hgh, curious if Id notice adding slin to that
Black Magic GIF
When I was in my late 20s, I'm 43 now... I used an amp of Karachi Sustanon EOD w/no AI (didn't fooking know any better) so that was probably a gram a week bc they were overfilled and I have NEVER been able to get anywhere near that big again. I tried 600 test + 400 primo last year and it was like a joke comparatively. The best idea I have come across when blasting test only seems to be the guy who does daily long esters at TRT doses and then add prop on top daily for the duration of you can handle the PIP. In quick out quick if you have problems.
When it comes to diet talk this place is crazy with extreme people (let me explain...).

One camp says you gotta be shredded af and if you're above 12% body fat you're fat.

Second camp says you gotta eat to grow, eat whatever even cheat melas are good. If you don't stuff your face like crazy you won't grow.

Isn't there a middle ground and some sort of balance between these two extremes? I think that's where it's best to stay and make it more sustainable long term without going crazy.
When it comes to diet talk this place is crazy with extreme people (let me explain...).

One camp says you gotta be shredded af and if you're above 12% body fat you're fat.

Second camp says you gotta eat to grow, eat whatever even cheat melas are good. If you don't stuff your face like crazy you won't grow.

Isn't there a middle ground and some sort of balance between these two extremes? I think that's where it's best to stay and make it more sustainable long term without going crazy.

As you can see from the example you provided, there are no absolutes in this sport and anyone who attempts to speak in absolutes, is generally not someone worth taking advice from. This applies to diet, training, hormones, rest, etc.

Its goal dependent and individual response/needs will vary.
When it comes to diet talk this place is crazy with extreme people (let me explain...).

One camp says you gotta be shredded af and if you're above 12% body fat you're fat.

Second camp says you gotta eat to grow, eat whatever even cheat melas are good. If you don't stuff your face like crazy you won't grow.

Isn't there a middle ground and some sort of balance between these two extremes? I think that's where it's best to stay and make it more sustainable long term without going crazy.

I've seen info showing P ratio is not that accurate, meaning you can still put muscle mass if you're higher than 12% or 20% or whatever. Competitive bodybuilders can't get sloppy since they MUST come down to 3-4% to get on stage, so getting that lean from 20-25% will be a nightmare and counterproductive. Same if you're a fitness influencer that cares too much for abs and striations year round.

For the rest of us gymbros i don't get why someone with 15% bodyfat needs to diet down to 10% in order to start a bulking season and not start from 15%. If you know what to expect and you're ok with being chubby, then it's the same effing thing. I don't have aspirations to be stage lean ever, i just want visible abs in my leanest and this could mean a true 12%.

The only thing you need to manage (as always) is to maintain a good insulin sensitivity, blood pressure and overall bloodwork. I guess i'm above 15% and my insulin sensitivity is great, blood pressure great etc..what stops me from getting new muscle tissue if i go on a surplas and maintain good health markers? Honestly i believe this trend that wants everyone at stage lean state to get the green light for bulking it's just bullshit. Just my personal opinion.
what stops me from getting new muscle tissue if i go on a surplas and maintain good health markers

I think the general consensus is you’re starting from a point of quickly Being on the verge of no longer having those pristine health markers and insulin sensitivity. And the THAT is when you start having trouble adding new muscle tissue.

Can it be done? Sure.
I think the general consensus is you’re starting from a point of quickly Being on the verge of no longer having those pristine health markers and insulin sensitivity. And the THAT is when you start having trouble adding new muscle tissue.

Yeah, that's why i mentioned it in the first place. I'm having a HbA1c of 4,9 (now might be even lower) and this gives me plenty of room until i become insulin resistant and actually need to hammer metformin or go to a minicut. I've seen labs from leaner guys than me having a A1c of 5,3-5,5+ and this might be genetic but most often is diet related. You can be lean without having a good diet, from the time you're in a caloric deficit for sometime and then go to maintenance.

So for me what dictates if you're g2g with a bulk it is labs and only labs, not bodyfat percentage.. I hear often from coaches "if you're not lean you aromatise heavy", is this really a reason to get lean? Take a extra AI or bump a little more primo and you're fine.

Perhaps this is a "thing" to starve your a$$ off and be a skinny mannequin (from the time you're not that advanced to hold 230lb+ of muscle) and then when it's time for rebound they think they actually getting more lean tissue without getting any bodyfat at all, i'm just having a hard time to believe that. It's just the illusion when you start pounding food at 4% and reach a 10-12% with obviously a lot more weight from water, glycogen and some new tissue you think you only gained muscle mass because a true 10-12% is still very lean, while if you start at 15% and end up 22% much of the definition goes away and it gives the impression you added more fat than muscles.

Maybe i'm wrong, this is me just thinking out loud.
All you need is diet, training, consistency.

Test,tren,deca,eq,primo,hgh doesnt matter that much at some point.

There is no magic formula.

Work & Patience.
Careful using absolutes in this.

While I would agree Test is a great foundation, stating the above about other compounds is very misleading to a lot of folks that are just starting out.
10 mg of superdrol is not toxic.... Iv ran 10 mg for 5 months .(never exceeded 10mg) Liver and kidneys stayed within range.

and another cycle was 30 mg for 4 weeks . Liver values were like 6 points above range 2 days after stopping
Coming to end of a test prop blast, was thinking last 2 weeks of 10mg superdrol, not sure though as I keep reading about how toxic it is…

If you are getting horrible sides from 10 mg of superdrol than the ugl you bought it from is overdosing it
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how much of a game changer is growth? was always hesitant to try due to the cost
It's definitely a game changer but it depends on your development. Some people will be better off just upping the test dosage before they add in hgh.

I remember I was only on test e 250 mg a week and 4 IU hgh saizen. Friends told me I looked massive and didn't believe I was cruising on low test e .... And cutting at the time...

Some thought I was on tren.

Hgh is a real game changer .