After PCT


New Member
Hi guys i'm from Italy so if i do some language's mistake, please forgive me :)
Currently i'm on PCT Nolva 20mg ed+clomid 50mg ed ( first 4 days 100mg ed) X 4 weeks ( maybe 6)
Cycle was Testo + Winstrol
After the first week where i feel like a crap, now i feel good, energy, mood is ok, i sleep good 7/8h ( i'm in the 4th week of pct) no sex problem... just don't have the morning erection that i have when i was ON.
My supplements is:
10000UI VIT D / 3,5g DAA / STRONG MULTI / RED YEAST RICE / O3 2,5g ED / VIT C 1g / 500mg R-ALA empthy stomach...
So the point is.. when ill finish PCT( ill do blood test for everything) i keep going my supplements but i would addict some other things like... Arimistane( to keep high test level e low estradiol) and some Testo Booster + GABA.
What do you think?
Hey man, you know... we can use many different things to support our health... question is what you especially want support? About your supplements red yeaste rice - good call) add pumpkin seed oil 1-2 gramms day. O-3 up to 3-4 gramms.Don't use so big dosages of vitamin C long time.... max 5-15 days.ALA also a good one supp.. Do you have some blood test...? I can consulted you...

What kind of wins you use? oral?
Arimistane - bad idea.
Ill do blood test next week.. for the hormonal test ill wait 4 weeks after finished PCT..
Win was Oral.. during i take 600mg Milk Thistle..
Obviously i want support Liver and Hearth but my concern is about keep gains.
I raise up calories intake, im in Ipercaloric.. i train still hardcore ( lost just a little bit of strong).. i try to sleep more...
I m interested in sarms product small doses for no long time...
I thought use Arimistane o something like that, could help to low estradiol and keep up testo... also i considerer Phosfatidilserine for benefic effect on cortisol.
OK we will wait your blood test.
Oral wins... Milk Thistle - good, I recomend you first do test and after based on the results I will prescribe treatment for you...If we get bad results....

1) Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 2) Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 3)Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) 4)Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 5)Cholinesterase 6) blood Urea 7)Serum Protein (SPE) and Last but not least 8)Bilirubin total 9)Bilirubin direct.

Try sleep 8-10 hours, best 7-8 on nigth and 30-90 min daytime. All SARMs which you can buy on internet work moslty the same as placebo... After cycle to be more "on" you can use clomid 25-50 mg day or same times add anastrazole with E2 checking. It will work better that all internet SARMs