After Tren - PCT Results

Joe P

New Member
I was on a very light 10-week cycle: 10 amps of Trenbolone Acetate 100mg and 10 amps of Testosterone Enanthate 250mg. That ended Nov 15.

One week after taking the last ampule (Nov 22), I injected 5,000iu HCG into the right buttock.

One week after the butt shot (Nov 29), I injected another 5,000iu HCG into the right quad.

Not that the location matters.

Tuesday, LabCorp collected my blood to test, and I got these results in a few hours ago.


Testosterone: 423 ng/dL (expected 264-916 range)

Sodium: 145 mmol/L (expected 134-144 range)

So, what are your thoughts?
Did you not do a pct? What about the clomid and Nolva after the hcg... You know... The post cycle therapy?

Also you did the hcg wrong. Do 2,000iu eod for 10 days sub q into your stomach fat next time. Then after that do your Clomid Nolva (which you should get on now)
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When I got that light Tren cycle, I was told by the guy that the HCG was all I needed for PCT.

Since joining here about a week ago, I learned I needed blood work, which is why I am posting the numbers.

I'm not asking what I should have done. I don't have a time machine.

I presented my numbers to ask what those numbers say that I should do now.

Should I start taking Clomid or Nolvadex now, a month after the cycle? I do not have it on hand, so one of them would still need to be ordered online - so it won't get here for a while.
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Yes sir.

I have had success with Clomid 100mg Ed for 3 weeks

Weeks 1&2 Clomid 100mg Nolva 20mg
Weeks 3&4 Clomid 50mg Nolva 20mg

Ideally yes you want pharmaceutical and we have a few good sources in the underground. But given that you've already waited this long it may be one of those times a research Chem site is actually a good choice. I've had great luck with 3cc research (clomifen)
I was on a very light 10-week cycle: 10 amps of Trenbolone Acetate 100mg and 10 amps of Testosterone Enanthate 250mg. That ended Nov 15.

One week after taking the last ampule (Nov 22), I injected 5,000iu HCG into the right buttock.

One week after the butt shot (Nov 29), I injected another 5,000iu HCG into the right quad.

Not that the location matters.

Tuesday, LabCorp collected my blood to test, and I got these results in a few hours ago.


Testosterone: 423 ng/dL (expected 264-916 range)

Sodium: 145 mmol/L (expected 134-144 range)

So, what are your thoughts?
What was your baseline numbers before the cycle?

So, the last hcg was on the 29th of Nov. and you pulled bloods the 19th of Dec.? If that's the case by looking at your numbers you might be recovered.

I would retake bloods in 2 weeks.


I didn't know about this board before the cycle, so I didn't know to get blood work going in.

I've got what I've got. lol