Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself


Well-known Member
After nearly 7 years away from Meso I logged back in again in May of this year. Because the vast majority of everyone active now is newer members I figured I would re-introduce myself to the community.

-I’m 37 years
-6’3”— 225lbs
-One short cycle under my belt in 2014 that I had to stop at 4 weeks due to complications.
-Back here again to document a run with TB500 in an attempt to heal a year long shoulder injury. My hope is that it may help anyone in a similar situation because I found information on the peptide is quite limited.
-Also after being here again my interest in the topic of PED’s has been triggered again so I am looking to gain knowledge on the topic again as well as pass on help where I can from what I have learned from my experience with them, although limited.

I have always been interested in fitness, having purchased my first gym membership at 14 years old. Since that time I have had periods where I was dedicated to the gym and times where I wasn’t. Quite often it was an auxiliary to sport so if I wasn’t actively lifting I was always active. With that, most of my goals have been sport related.

In 2014, after researching PED’s for months I finally created an account to ask some real questions about their use. This community was very supportive and knowledgeable. Eventually I began my first cycle (if I can even call it that) I was 29 at the time. Since that time I haven’t dabbled in the world of enhancement.

My shoulder injury was over a year ago. Long story short, misdiagnosis in the early stages and improper treatment have created a very hard to heal injury. For that reason my search for how to heal led me to the world of peptides and ultimately back here to Meso again. I’m happy to say that I have made tremendous progress in the last couple of months. I am in physical therapy three days a week and expect to be back in full form in a month or so.

I am very excited to start training again and plan to do so with progression so I don’t fuck up my progress with the shoulder. After a period of time I would like to take another trip on the dark side and see if I can have a successful run with the help of this amazing community. Although I had to cut my first attempt short the topic has always been of interest to me.

I’m excited to see Meso is still going strong and I hope to be a contribution to the community as well as an open minded learner along the way as I try to better myself. I don’t ever want to be in a position where I down and out because of an injury for this long again.

All the best,


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what Is your injury did it require surgery, labrum? good your in PT, if it heals good PT will be the key not a peptide. definitely do not push it.
what Is your injury did it require surgery, labrum? good your in PT, if it heals good PT will be the key not a peptide. definitely do not push it.
Two 3/4”-7/8” tears in the supraspinatus tendon. They found bursitis in the shoulder as well.
Because they weren’t Full thickness tears and I had about 60% mobility they figured surgery wasn’t necessary.

I was in PT within the first 3-4 days and for quite a while before my doc thought we should call it quits till I saw a specialist. After that I got set up with a sports therapist who has make a big difference. I definitely agree, not gonna push it. After this much time not planning on any setbacks.

The proper PT is definitely key here for sure. I must say though that the peptide has be notable in my recovery. I have made tremendous strides since incorporating it. I was at close to 11 months into my injury and had been stalled hard before taking it.
what exercise and motion aggrevate it?
Up until around 4 months ago just about everything. Quite often it would be a flare up that lasted days.
More recently, now that I’ve made a good amount of recovery, it’s just things like reaching behind my back or reaching across the body in the front that aggravate.

Recovery is far enough along now that its all about strengthening. I have close to full mobility now.