hey buddy why don't you post a picture of you and we can be the judge of you not liking fat chicks you fuck! I'm sure that you don't even lift brah. Yeah she has a couple pounds but look at those titties and I promise you that ass is juicy as fuck! At least I don't have to pay chicks to fuck me or suck my dick!
What is the deal with fat chicks??? When I am rolling Tren deep Ill fuck a fat chick any day, as long as her FUPA don't got that sour stank coming out of it. Ill tare up chubby chicks, ugly chicks with hot asses, hell Nandro... Ill even fuck you in your little bleeding pussy. What can I say... Tren turns me into the wolfman, part dog part....... something else.
This is my Meso face Tren pattern. These changes can happen within seconds of each other..