AlphaGear Source

Placed a small order from AG and funds processed on 2/25. Supposedly was shipped out on 2/27 but didn't receive pak last week. AG said he re-shipped pak this past Thursday express mail which should have been no more than 2 days. Pak did not land today. AG is trying to stretch his time out as long as he can with this bullshit. I a new to this online game but learned a lesson to listen to you guys that have been playing it awhile. Not a youngster here but I guess never to old to learn a lesson. DO NOT BUY FROM AG!!!!

I want personally thank you guys that put in a lot of time and effort to protect other Meso members!!! It really is appreciated.

Same here man. Supposedly shipped at the same time. Didn't offer a reship to me though. Just said it should be here shortly....right. Good thing I didn't drop a bunch of cash.
I ordered a small amount from AG and received it in about 4 days from order. I ordered sooner then I should have looking back on everything. Maybe that is why I got mine because it got to me before he got overwhelmed or he was hoping I would rave about his service to draw a bunch of people in to get a bunch of money and run. No way to start out in a business where everyone is skeptical. Luckily I just ordered enough to hold me over.
Ya what are the chances a ugl that is just starting has his roof collapse? Sorry I call bullshit, I'm glad the community here is the way it is otherwise I would have jumped the gun on a couple ugl's that have since fallen off the map or are selling under dosed gear. So I say keep doing what you guys are doing here at meso.
I ordered a small amount from AG and received it in about 4 days from order. I ordered sooner then I should have looking back on everything. Maybe that is why I got mine because it got to me before he got overwhelmed or he was hoping I would rave about his service to draw a bunch of people in to get a bunch of money and run. No way to start out in a business where everyone is skeptical. Luckily I just ordered enough to hold me over.
Good business practice for him! Unfortunate for you as it left you in the undesirable position of praising a source and the negative side is that you would be seen to be a fan of his shady,immoral and least of which,deceptive business practices. You would have been his"Bag-Man. Quite an unenviable title,no positive connotations there huh?
BUT YOU ARE NOT HIS BAGMAN..Your a decent Mesoin. One of the "goodguys"
He wanted you as a shill possibly. Again BF youre a good dude and those of us whove gotten to know you know better than you as shill!
Im sorry if you got taken. Heck your Pak may still show!
Maybe we could help mitigate your loss if so. You might consider selling some of it that we could send for testing if necessary! Or you may want to give it a try.
Think about it eh?
Thank You Brother!!
I got 'er!
Is it just me here or does something seem weird alla sudden?
I just got cold chills..seems like Alpha might've jumped the fence sudden-like!!!
I would encourage people to hold-up ordering for a few to let us put our heads together and try to fil in some VIP gaps.
ANYONE FEELING the same or am I just wrongly hyper-vigilant?!
The most dangerous time to fly is during Take-off and Landing..and I'm not sure if Alpha is gonna "rotate " cause he's darn sure long-since passed V-1 !!!
Frick dont know how I missed the lack of phosphorescence on the LabMax test.. I guess all I heard was "PASS!"
Damn..Lets just chill on purchases for a few. If Alpha is legit,he wont be doing anything(like hauling-arse with members money!!) A legit source,especially a "Probie'" source will wait patiently..Cant raise him on the Board,e-mail..Anywhere,course it is early but if he DOES become a source he"ll have to be up a LOT earlier than845am ET!!!

People shouldn't hold up ordering. They shouldn't have ordered at all until this dude was totally vetted and did what was requested of him in a TIMELY manner. So far, no pics of his lab gear and no info on his old handle(which I still find extremely important given this current sich). There are some out there that say, "what diff does it make what his old handle was, as long as his gear tests good and he ships product". Those are the idiots that bought from him before he panned out and they're going to be his latest victims. He's laughing all the way to the bank with your money all the while coming up with a new handle to peddle to the same people that are so desperate to gain a new source that is willing to take them in, he'll make just as much money even then.
Goose I am waiting for an order from a more reliable and vested source right now. Once it lands I will be happy to donate some of AG's gear for testing. Would just need the info of who and how to send it out. Also how much of each compound is needed. As much as the vets do here for the Meso community I figure it is the least I could do. PM me if you like and we can work out the details. The feeling of a brotherhood here is why I joined and I have no problem contributing to the safety and betterment of the community!
Goose I am waiting for an order from a more reliable and vested source right now. Once it lands I will be happy to donate some of AG's gear for testing. Would just need the info of who and how to send it out. Also how much of each compound is needed. As much as the vets do here for the Meso community I figure it is the least I could do. PM me if you like and we can work out the details. The feeling of a brotherhood here is why I joined and I have no problem contributing to the safety and betterment of the community!

For contamination testing there would be too many variables. You need the original sealed container, for mass spec or gas chromatography you need about an ml but it is similar that you need the original vial.
If someone is willing to cover the testing or do the testing I can send a couple ml of tren A, Mast P and Test prop in their original vials. I wish I was able to just send them off now but I am committed to this cycle at this point. Haven't had any issues with the gear to this point. Getting serious pumps, strength gains, night sweats, a little aggression and already getting more vascular. No major pip other then the tren in my delt but I have always dealt with that in the past. I have done enough gear to know there is hormone present for sure. Just always had a local source and never have had to stock pile so I got myself into this situation. Just another growing pain of the online UGL game. I can promise it won't be an issue I get myself into again! (Hopefully) My other package should hopefully be landing within the next 2 weeks or so. Also was planning on getting blood work done in 3 weeks or so which will put me about 4 1/2 weeks in on my cycle.
For contamination testing there would be too many variables. You need the original sealed container, for mass spec or gas chromatography you need about an ml but it is similar that you need the original vial.
Thats a BIG ROGER 3 BY!! If needed, are you as usual ready to spring into action?? I think I have some comin from a dude who bought B4 the "all clear" sounded and it hasnt been tampered with!
The chain of custody has also been pretty well preserved. If it werent already headed my way Id just rather have it go straight to your waiting lab!!
Will be in can bank that Brother!!
Im glad we are dropping some science. But fuck can't you see his crap lies are enough to prove he is shit sorry. shit pics, no autocalve, no hood, and a million excuses. You can read my post im a pretty fair guy. But Im with goose its rare that my skin crawls and I fill that with AG bugs all over. you have been warned guys!!!!!!!
trust me leave this guy alone!!!!!!
p.s. look at old thread from sources some of these guys did everything to prove there self and a few of them are still here. AG hides out until the coast is clear. then comes back with excuses.
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03xx52 and Goose let me know if need be I will try and dose back and see if I can't get you a few vials that haven't been opened so there is no question on the authenticity and they haven't been compromised.
03xx52 what was AG suppose to be sending you? Just trying to get as many different products tested. Figured I could send you anything you don't have coming that I may have.
AG is done here!!! We should never have allowed him to get as far as he has. It is important that we learn from the mistakes made in this thread and evolve. Fucking car crashes, family members dying, and now roofs collapsing? What do all these catastrophes have in common???? They are all excuses made by sources from this very board. Sources must be some of the most unlucky mother fuckers. I mean, what are the odds??

Im glad we are dropping some science. But fuck can't you see his crap lies are enough to prove he is shit sorry. shit pics, no autocalve, no hood, and a million excuses. You can read my post im a pretty fair guy. But Im with goose its rare that my skin crawls and I fill that with AG bugs all over. you have been warned guys!!!!!!!
trust me leave this guy alone!!!!!!
p.s. look at old thread from sources some of these guys did everything to prove there self and a few of them are still here. AG hides out until the coast is clear. then comes back with excuses.