- source lab changes

if the results are favorable does that mean we go with a mentality the weak bloods were because of understrength raws...and give sqs another shot? Asking for a friend.

Good question.
i think it'll just be another variable to consider when deciding to order.

The bad part about all this is that the sample(s) that were sent out so very long ago, probably belong to a batch of product that has since been sold through and anything being purchased now is from a new batch, which places us firmly back at square one.
Good question.
i think it'll just be another variable to consider when deciding to order.

The bad part about all this is that the sample(s) that were sent out so very long ago, probably belong to a batch of product that has since been sold through and anything being purchased now is from a new batch, which places us firmly back at square one.
yeah i been rooting for Ray from day one and u can never have too many reliable sources. i was hoping sqs keeps their shit tight too so Ray dont get fucked.
Also I won't be on here much if at all today so if people start asking questions and I don't respond right away that is why. Being that a few members that I respect wanted atleast good or bad so I provided that. It is within the tolerance of being the correct dose so yes results were good.
So this raises as many questions as it answers. SQS gear is or was on point, how does the blood work come back so low?
660mg/wk with only 2600 and change TT? That's Right at 3.5x my natural T level. E2 was 60 at the 6wk test point..... I'm glad I was wrong but I certainly have more questions
Not sure man all I can tell you is the vile that was tested was good. What are your numbers like on pharm grade gear? Or how do your numbers typically come back? I also know that I'm on his test and Tren and for the first time in my life have had some gyno issues also Tren has me sweating thru my sheets. Not that it really means anything but all I say is I wasn't really surprised it came back good just based on my current experience with it. You know the drill tho all I can speak for is the vile that I had tested nothing else.
This was my first time doing it right with blood work and all. I guess all I can do is compare on my next cycle.
Next run will be testE 600, npp 400, with a dbol starter. Will the npp have any effect on T levels?
This was my first time doing it right with blood work and all. I guess all I can do is compare on my next cycle.
Next run will be testE 600, npp 400, with a dbol starter. Will the npp have any effect on T levels?
No, unless it has test added to it. I've found I can not get more than 5X my dosage on any gear when it's properly dosed. Very personal thing
@OldFatAndSlow after you published your blood test results, I had a talk with SQS guys. they keep repeated themselves that blood test is vary between every person, they said someone will take 300mg/EW test and another person will take the same, their results will be different. only lab test for the product can measure exactly the amount. they pushed me to ask members here to send many vials, they truly believe in their product and keep saying they are one of the best brand in the scene.

They always say they stand behind the amounts of the dosage, they never put less amount. I guess this lab test prove what they said. now I more than ever have confident on SQS lab's products. I can say they are property dosed. if I had a doubt due the recent blood tests of members here, the doubt gone. yes sometimes there are problems like happened with the npp, good lab admit and take care of that (like happened) and never run away.
So this raises as many questions as it answers. SQS gear is or was on point, how does the blood work come back so low?
660mg/wk with only 2600 and change TT? That's Right at 3.5x my natural T level. E2 was 60 at the 6wk test point..... I'm glad I was wrong but I certainly have more questions

Did u do shbg and free test?
So this raises as many questions as it answers. SQS gear is or was on point, how does the blood work come back so low?
660mg/wk with only 2600 and change TT? That's Right at 3.5x my natural T level. E2 was 60 at the 6wk test point..... I'm glad I was wrong but I certainly have more questions
we just had a guy around 3000 on 700mg test i think. pharmasources oils. Also i read a couple places the higher u go the more diminished the return. ie...if u come in 7x from may be 4x at 800mg....
Will this next one be an all SQS run?
Even though I know the gears good, probably not. One, I'd like to compare products, and more so two, the issues with the SQS npp. But I will source my ancillaries and what not through ray.
That being said, I won't hesitate to use ray in the future as I know he is top notch. Just need to get this comparison done to try to answer some questions.
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