- source lab changes

Damn just noticed your in both threads of anabolx.and nope just the knowledge I've gained from mesos finest!I learned the hard way myself.but to put yourself at ease and gain some respect from the members here who lookout for each other,just get some bloods and post up results.simple enough right?
He'll I did take advice as well about learning from member . One of them stated that I must be an idiot for taking members advice .
He must not be that bright.I was running gear my first cycle blindly myself.but I was on a much lower dose and made some gains and sides were a bitch on 400 tren-e and 700 sus a week for 10 weeks.and the doses your at you should be packing on some serious size!but any well known member will tell you to get bloods to back up your accusations.simple as that.I'm on my pct and will be doing the same.I'll be posting up pre,mid and post bloods.
Will do and that way I Wil help out the peeps that are in the same boat as me save them the hasssle

Help out ? Your not helping out here , your getting in the way . You have no numbers yet , no Labmax either; neither do I . No numbers , no judgement . Chill-out Freeza
So far I'm enjoying everything I received from these guys. I'm seeing same negative things being said here recently. I do understand not everyone is going to have the same experience but I honestly think that this is a excellent lab.
This soon in , 3wks (with no numbers yet) all I can say is I like it and their service/com was great . I knew SQS was gtg if you can find the real brand which this appears to be.

Cool man!! I'm even sooner (day 2 lol) so was just curious on some non BS feedback. Enjoy your cycle bro
One thing I learned on here is never say a lab is gtg. For one it could bite you in the ass and two it actually comes across wrong. That's how I took it when I just read it. Now I have SQS and will run the gear and feel pretty confident I've made a good choice. Bloods will tell all
One thing I learned on here is never say a lab is gtg. For one it could bite you in the ass and two it actually comes across wrong. That's how I took it when I just read it. Now I have SQS and will run the gear and feel pretty confident I've made a good choice. Bloods will tell all

They will be gtg when I see 4000ng plus on my test bloodwork . On 600mg/wk test-e I expect that...
Soon we'll have more variety of SQS lab's products. we'll have those products:


Mix mass 450mg - hybrid test cyp, test phenylprop and Equipoise.
Mix mass + quality 500mg - hybrid test E, tren E and Deca.
Primobolone 150mg

PCT Orals:


Update about oxandrolone:

We'll have large stock next week, ETA the end of the next week. same for the sopharma Clenbuterol.
I asked the SQS lab's people about this product, currently only exist the super deca with short and long acting esters. maybe soon will be this product. atm there isn't any npp by SQS lab.