New Member
My primary didn't care about symptoms at all. Out of nowhere I started having bad panic attacks, would break down crying, couldn't stay awake more than 5 hours. There was more to it than that too. I went through over 3 months of what I imagine he'll would be like. Felt like I was in an eternal torment that would never go away. All my Dr wanted to do was give me a script for ssri's and benzos. Went to 2 other drs and that's all they wanted to do too. Finally just started doing my own research reading and talking to people before I went to a trt clinic. The hell I went through during that time I wouldn't wish on anyone.Very true...many factors will decide if your primary doctor will give you TRT.
My primary doctor almost gave it to me based on my "symptoms" plus being on the lower percentage of the range b
Between the insurance company and him, time was becoming an issue to me. So I decided to visit a TRT doctor.