- source lab changes

@MisterSuperGod not really, I've seen their products are they are the same dosage, unless they are underdosing, which makes it more unreliable. I'm starting to regret going for sqs, well, anyways I will be starting next week and hope for the best.
@MisterSuperGod not really, I've seen their products are they are the same dosage, unless they are underdosing, which makes it more unreliable. I'm starting to regret going for sqs, well, anyways I will be starting next week and hope for the best.


Sorry forgot to update, T3 will be also in stock next week with the same shipment.

Regarding KOA, yes it's less potent and different carry oil. if will be demand here, I'll bring KOA as well.


Around half, Like Mix Quality - SQS it's 150mg in KOA it's 75mg.
Test E is 200mg. in their brochure it's not updated right.

This was what i was initially referring to.
Not sure if it helps, but here it is.

I enjoy npp for several reason, first being I don't need to run the npp for as long to see the benefits.

I don't see the bloat that deca gives you on. Npp.

The npp gives me a look much different than deca, even though both are the same drug just different esters.

The other thing I enjoy about npp is recovery is much easier than with deca. With deca your pct can take a long time especially if you have residual molecules lingering messing up the recovery.
@MisterSuperGod not really, I've seen their products are they are the same dosage, unless they are underdosing, which makes it more unreliable. I'm starting to regret going for sqs, well, anyways I will be starting next week and hope for the best.

You're overthinking and regretting it for no reason. You're acting like SQS is keeping a secret when if you read the thread he's talked about their KOA line as well. Everyone who has tried SQS hasn't had any complaints so the ONLY thing you can do if you have already ordered is get your package and see what you think of it. If you don't like it, try a different source you feel you'd like better.

Keep it simple..
I enjoy npp for several reason, first being I don't need to run the npp for as long to see the benefits.

I don't see the bloat that deca gives you on. Npp.

The npp gives me a look much different than deca, even though both are the same drug just different esters.

The other thing I enjoy about npp is recovery is much easier than with deca. With deca your pct can take a long time especially if you have residual molecules lingering messing up the recovery.

May try this.. I know I could research but asking personally is a bit better sometimes. Was planning on running a Tren Ace SQS cycle, with the main component being Tren, throwing in test 200-300mg a week,That way i'll have less estrogen related sides to worry about and should look a bit harder. Maybe adding provirion as well. Would it be a waste to throw in a little bit of npp on top, or i wonder if the npp could replace the test.. I guess I'll read up!
May try this.. I know I could research but asking personally is a bit better sometimes. Was planning on running a Tren Ace SQS cycle, with the main component being Tren, throwing in test 200-300mg a week,That way i'll have less estrogen related sides to worry about and should look a bit harder. Maybe adding provirion as well. Would it be a waste to throw in a little bit of npp on top, or i wonder if the npp could replace the test.. I guess I'll read up!

First, no... npp will not replace the test. You need that test as a base. The tren will shut down your test production same with npp.

Second, have you ever ran tren? The reason I ask Isn't to be a dick, but it's a 19 nor, if you haven't ran a 19 not before I would not suggest running both tren and npp at the same until you get more experienced.

Keep the cycle simple. Tossing so many hormones including the sink isn't a good thing. More, doesn't always equal better.
First, no... npp will not replace the test. You need that test as a base. The tren will shut down your test production same with npp.

Second, have you ever ran tren? The reason I ask Isn't to be a dick, but it's a 19 nor, if you haven't ran a 19 not before I would not suggest running both tren and npp at the same until you get more experienced.

Keep the cycle simple. Tossing so many hormones including the sink isn't a good thing. More, doesn't always equal better.

I have ran Geneza Tren Ace a few years back. The sides weren't there besides night sweats for me. And I didn't have any gyno problems, but when i ran Tren E i got the worst gyno of my life ever.. I had to toss it. The tren E was from a shitty lab here a few years back called Astro Labs, I'm thinking maybe it was bunk and really test or something.

But good call on the npp thing. Definitely unnecessary now that I think about it.. Tren is strong enough itself to be great on its own. Your talk about npp just got me interested, it's a compound i never looked into too much :p

Still on the test/dbol cycle as its my first in 3 years. Dbol is over now i have the urge to throw in something else but should probably just ride the test out cause it will still yield good gains. Then the tren should help out more later. I appreciate the good input my friend.
Hi All,

Website is down due maintenance in the hosting company. shall be up in 2-3 hours. anavar in stock. will put it in stock when the website will be on.

Also have deca 250.

I'm ready to take orders for Anavar. have a lot in stock :)

What filtering process does sqs utilize ?

I have seen so many labs lately with floaters and hair in their products. And this is something that sqs needs to answer. If I missed this earlier forgive me, but I do not think this has been addressed.

Unfortunately, they don't share too much how they work, I tried to ask them. they prefer to be confidential with the process. all they can promise is the good quality. I know it's not enough, but have to respect what they told me.
Tren ace is legitimate by the roid test Lewelin

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Thanks for doing this man. It doesn't test the exact dosage but at least gives the peace of mind it's actually Tren in there. It turned as dark as it can go for both panels, Wonder if weaker stuff would maybe have a lighter color. Who knows. Cool beans though!