- source lab changes

@jbeg1985 3-4 wks on deca ? I'm assuming you mean Npp then.Because deca won't produce til wk 8-10 earliest
I am mistaken then, i was under the impression that results would start to show in 3 to 5 weeks. This is my first run with deca. Because i was going with a new source i didnt want to use his test in case it happened to be bunk and tank my levels while on cycle. So i picked up the deca to run along side, that way if it was bunk it wouldnt kill what i am doing. Same with the dbol, if it turned out bunk i can switch to my pharmacom supply. But i didnt have any idea it took that long for deca to show results. I thought most ran it 10 weeks alng side test.
@jbeg1985 3-4 wks on deca ? I'm assuming you mean Npp then.Because deca won't produce til wk 8-10 earliest
Is this time table for how long it would take to show in bloodwork? I just did a couple different searches and they all say i should start seeing effects in about 4 weeks. I understand that deca has a long half life like bold. Are you sayimg 8 to 10 weeks before i start showing physical results? I just want to make sure im on the same page as you.
Yes you will see the Physical results around wk 8. But bloods are irrelevant in relation to testing for deca. Test raises test levels plain and simple. GL
Yes you will see the Physical results around wk 8. But bloods are irrelevant in relation to testing for deca. Test raises test levels plain and simple. GL
Thats what i thought, i just didnt understand what you were emplying until i read that.
As it was stated above blood work wont mean anything because im running pharmacoms test. Im going to use a roid test on both compounds if the thing ever gets here. I took my first 20mg dbol before work today and will take 20 more preworkout. Im going to be pinning 400 deca with 600 pharmacoms test 300. I will be able to tell if the dbol is good by this time next week but untill my roid test gets here i wont know about the deca besides if it has pip or not, im hoping to put on 20lbs.
Just pinned the deca and took the second 20mg before i hit the gym. No pain from the injection, shot 250mg deca and 300 test. I will see if there is any pip by the morning.
As it was stated above blood work wont mean anything because im running pharmacoms test. Im going to use a roid test on both compounds if the thing ever gets here. I took my first 20mg dbol before work today and will take 20 more preworkout. Im going to be pinning 400 deca with 600 pharmacoms test 300. I will be able to tell if the dbol is good by this time next week but untill my roid test gets here i wont know about the deca besides if it has pip or not, im hoping to put on 20lbs.
Dude you mistook my post on bloods. When I said bloods didn't matter it was in relation to the deca. Bloods at wk 4-6 ashould be done though check your test levels and lipids.
Will the deca show as test? The only bloods i have had done were pre aas. I was at 416 if i am not mistaken. If i can find somewere to do bloods and only bloods without having a large check-up fee i will. But i do not have insurance available till the 1st of the year. Im paying a private insurance company over 800 a month just for my kids. I will do some research into finding a place.
Thanks for having faith in our store, we glad you received your products pretty fast and I'm sure you'll gain from those products.
That's great you got your baseline man (key factor ) Certain compounds will effect different areas of the blood that need to be monitored if using. Ie EQ raises Rbc & hemo. Deca won't effect (raise) the test levels if it's the only compound being used from my knowledge but can lower them.

Edit- btw if your test levels come back higher than normal range for the mgs per wk. Then most likely the Deca is test...
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Thanks for having faith in our store, we glad you received your products pretty fast and I'm sure you'll gain from those products.
Do you know when you will be expanding your product list? I just looked at sqs labs web site and it looks like they are manufacturing everything you can think of from test to cialis, viagra, clen and also making peptides. If everything is good with my products then i will definitly be interested in other stuff (cialis being one) 100 tab bottle doesnt sound bad. Im sure ypur going to have to wait for your sales to go up but i keep seeing threads looking for a legit viagra and cialis source.