- source lab changes

How do you know their test p is good to go? You have blood
To sit here and say 100% it's good to go doesn't do the new members any good. You have no evidence it's good to go.

If everyone just tosses out everything is good to go based off "feel" well then, damn, it all must be good.

Placebo can be a bitch. We just need to be careful tossing around good to go is all.

If what you were meaning to say is, I felt like I could feel the affects of the test p shot at 50mg and will keep everyone updated. Then that would seem to make sense.

Members can take my opinion for what it is. Accept or dismiss the statement that I get the results I expect from the SQS Test P.
Members can take my opinion for what it is. Accept or dismiss the statement that I get the results I expect from the SQS Test P.
That's fine. He was just telling you that it doesn't do us any good going on feeling. I've had so many dudes over the years be like "shits fire bro" and it's done nothing for me. I'm more or less the opposite when it comes to the drugs I take. Even when I take insulin I'll think "is this shit even still working? Doesn't feel like it. Lol bloods are easy to do. If that's good shit your taking then help me out and so many others by getting bloods done.

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been running the test E 300mg a week (150 on mon and thur) for around 3 weeks now... def noticed some gains and added weight... first 4 or 5 injections were fine but the recent one caused a med size lump to form in my right glut. not sure why this is just happening now (maybe a build up of injections?). gonna break out the heating pad and will report back.
been running the test E 300mg a week (150 on mon and thur) for around 3 weeks now... def noticed some gains and added weight... first 4 or 5 injections were fine but the recent one caused a med size lump to form in my right glut. not sure why this is just happening now (maybe a build up of injections?). gonna break out the heating pad and will report back.
Wow 300 a week for 3 weeks and you have gains already?
been running the test E 300mg a week (150 on mon and thur) for around 3 weeks now... def noticed some gains and added weight... first 4 or 5 injections were fine but the recent one caused a med size lump to form in my right glut. not sure why this is just happening now (maybe a build up of injections?). gonna break out the heating pad and will report back.

Are you injecting the same spots week after week?
On my third week, and got the prescription for the bloods today, will do them monday, and will take about a week or two to get the results. I'm on test p 125 eod and tren ace 100mg eod. so far so good, no complains.
Make sure you're following a good sanitary protocol and try not to inject in the EXACT same spot in your glutes. Also like kakarot said id definitely throw in a couple more injection sites
Definitely try to change up injection sights and move around some in the big muscle groups. You run a greater chance of causing an infection by injecting in the same spots repeatedly and not giving the muscle time to heal.
Gentlemen my review on sqs Cialis
8/10 it did the job woke up my deca dick!my recharge was quicker then there Viagra(8/10).I'm happy with both products .
On side note there test p has 0 pip.I decided to use it for 4 weeks to finish off my cycle . sorry no bloods.but we shall see how it gose!
Has anyone else tried mast from anabolx? The bottle I got had a label that says Enantat de Mest******. Leads me to believe it may be Enanthate


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