Just search and found 1 person said compared to pharma grade he had to take 2-3 pills. that may be individual, he didn't said it bunk or something else. other persons said they are happy from both Sildenafil and Tadalafil.
Anyway it easy to bash and say product is underdosed without any proof.
@Daniekone said it underdosed, ok.. another member here said for sure that my sopharma clen is bunk without any proof and after few mins he took his words back.
Next time other person will say the pct products are bunk, because he doesn't "feel" them.
My point is, it easy to say things are underdosed just because a specific feeling, if the product being tested and underdosed I would say you right and I admit. if all of the members who used said it underdosed - ok. but that's not the case here.