Anadrol with Dbol?


New Member
I’ve read they are very synergistic together. I’m on 40mg of dbol last 2 weeks. It’s my favorite compound always see great results. Never taken adrol. I was planning 6 weeks on Dbol with test base but just got some adrol.

Was thinking lowering dbol to 20mg(40 is high for me) and adding 50 anadrol for the remaining 4 weeks. I can’t split the drol as it’s caps.

Thoughts? I can also save it for my next go around but kind of want to try it now before summer.
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I think better to keep it for next go round, DBOL is already more than enough. If you want to mix both you can but you will need to deal with a bad back bumps and the high BP.
I have tried many combos in the past. Such stacks make me lazy in the gym and I tend to slack on my diet more. Anyway, I have done injectable drol & dbol oral at once, I think it was 100mg drol & 50mg dbol or something. The strength was insane, size via water retention was great and pumps were crazy. Did I like it? Hell yeah, it was a fun ride. Would I repeat it now? No, my goals are completely different now.
Yea them crazy doses. 40mg I’ve been doing now for the last two weeks been great but don’t think I ever went over 30 before. Generally I do 20mg and keep the sides down and water down. It actually leans me up pretty good at that dose. 40mg haven’t experienced much bloat but I have taken two Abombs so prob explains that. But def not as cut up on 20mg
I’ve read they are very synergistic together. I’m on 40mg of dbol last 2 weeks. It’s my favorite compound always see great results. Never taken adrol. I was planning 6 weeks on Dbol with test base but just got some adrol.

Was thinking lowering dbol to 20mg(40 is high for me) and adding 50 anadrol for the remaining 4 weeks. I can’t split the drol as it’s caps.

Thoughts? I can also save it for my next go around but kind of want to try it now before summer.
I’ve used test deca anadrol and dbol it was my first cycle ever my step dad gave them to me I didn’t know much back then but running anadrol and dbol together I was retaining so much water I decent muscle size and all but also retained way to much water for my liking I don’t think stacking dbol and anadrol is a good idea at all thankfully I did not get gyno but yea
I’ve used test deca anadrol and dbol it was my first cycle ever my step dad gave them to me I didn’t know much back then but running anadrol and dbol together I was retaining so much water I decent muscle size and all but also retained way to much water for my liking I don’t think stacking dbol and anadrol is a good idea at all thankfully I did not get gyno but yea
Oddly after I stopped both last week I have gained more weight and strength. I couldn’t seem to gain weight once I added drol in the mix. I wasn’t bloated as I was running masin plus dex

In fact I gained 5lbs after being off for two days. all things the same just keep running my 500mgs of test

Im wondering if they had some negative impact on my body running both.

First time adrol user so idk. Dbol I gain lots of mass and was up 10lbs in 2 weeks until I added drol and just plateaued at that 2 week mark. I lowered my Dbol to 20 from 40 when adding drol
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Yea I’m not sure this was years ago I did thst combo I was like 19 now I’m 33 years old I don’t remember but I don’t really remember any bad sides except high blood pressure very extremely red and very thick muscle and good strength but I didn’t stay on those orals mixed like that for a very long time