

I've been lurking for 4 months or so, looking foward to engaging with people without getting chewed out for not introducing myself. New to AAS but I've been interested in them for years, so not too clueless. I'm a 19 y/o T1D so super concerned about maintaining my health, which is pretty ironic when I say it like that. I'm currently a few months into my first cycle, started with the classic 500mg test, pulled bloods before hopping on, and once a month thereafter. After monitoring my E2 conversion for 8 weeks, I added in 500mg EQ, and plan on running it until I'm out of EQ (around early April) or markers/symptoms become problematic, whichever's first. Turns out I'm a super high converter; on the test and some UGL aromasin, which was most certainly underdosed beyond belief, my E2 was 120. After switching to pharma Aromasin M-W-F to nobody's suprise, my e2 was crashed to ~10. I since lowered the dosages by a quarter and I'm pulling bloods this week. As for health markers, I've always had good lipids, but preemptively added 40mg/day atorvastatin which within two weeks lowered my LDL to 50 and crashed by HDL to 30. As such, I lowered it to 20mg M-W-F which kept my LDL the same but raised my HDL to ~40. Blood pressure was high pre AAS so I was already on 10mg Enalapril/day, which had my BP 128/60, but PCP refused to raise the dosage so I supplement with indian pharma to raise it to 20mg/day which kept my BP on test at 110/55 or so. After adding in EQ my BP raised to 130/60 so I further raised the dose to 30mg which started presenting a dry cough. Currently awaiting an order a years supply of maximum dosed Telmisartan, Amlodipine, HCTZ, and Nebivolol so I can just adjust treatment with whatever cycle I do. Planning on just using the ARB/CCB initially if I can get away with it. I could go into diet and nutrition but this is already way too long, and I doubt anyone's still reading.


Welcome to the board and thank you for the wonderful introduction. The E2 roller coaster sounds like it was rough but also sounds like you handled it well. Do you feel ok? Looking forward to hearing how you progress.
Definitely felt worse when e2 was high due to the fatigue, though my joints did start to get a little achy during heavy leg exercises when I crashed it. I currently feel great, getting consistently stronger every week, though I think I was so dialed in as a natural that I didn't get that huge boost in size and strength that alot of people see. Appreciate the kind words! I'll try to keep this thread updated with progress reports and such.
Feb Bloods P1.webpFeb Bloods P2.webp

Update: Finally starting to get my E2 dialed in on 18.75mg Aromasin MWF at 1:1 Test EQ ratio 500mg no HCG. Definitely a high aromatizer. eGFR was starting to drop when I discontinued NAC, and bounced back after adding it, possibly just a fluke though. Got the Cystatin C just to be sure. RBC lowered a little, interested to see if the switch to Telmisartan decreases it more. Apart from the RBC increase, EQ has been great so far; no sides. Side note, does anybody account for ester weight? I probably should have since I'm using long esters, but no sense in changing anything now, maybe next time.

Still progressing steadily in the gym on upper/lower split MT TF. Randomly started getting sore without changing exercises, which is interesting. Targeting 150 minutes cardio a week, as long as I don't go hypo.

Nutrition is pretty simple since I hate cooking. Greek yogurt (300g?) and 12oz fat-free fairlife in the morning PWO. Post WO 225g cooked chicken, 2 kiwis, 1/2 cup spinach. A tuna packet or two whenever I remember to eat. 8 or 12oz tilapia, depending on protein intake, ~300g potatoes, and 300g frozen mango. Experimenting with backfilling calories via dextrose monohydrate powder; less likely to cause fatty liver compared to fructose, which is seemingly in ever convinient carb source, as well as insulin resistance, albeit less relevant for me. Trying to keep fats low, especially saturated, but somehow Taco Bell or Ben & Jerry's ends up somewhere in there. Current philosophy around nutrition is hitting micros and macros with primarily whole foods, and then eating whatever else to hit calorie goals. Currently just recomping at 205 lbs (maybe ~13-15% BF?). Don't really see a need to bulk, but maybe when I experiment with tren in the future. Since hopping on AAS my maintenance increased to 3500-4000 w/out cardio, and appetite is even lower than when I was natty, despite adding EQ.