anastrozole or letrozole


New Member
hey guys, i was wondering which one is better and worth buying.
letrozole is cheaper but is it worth it?

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It doesn't matter which one you take if you have had no experience with AI's. Some people like letrozole better. Some like anastrozole. Personally I prefer anastrozole because that's the only one ive tried and have had no problems with it. I try not to change stuff if its not broken. I get mine from my endocrinologist though and he monitors my estrogen. I've heard too many horror stories of people taking too much and crashing their estrogen. Plus I never know if I order it UG im gonna get properly dosed or stable product.
From everything I've heard and read letrozole is stronger/harsher. More of a break glass in case of emergency. will tank E2 and can get some problems Anastrozole seems to be preferred over letro, but stuff is cheap so why not have both on hand
From everything I've heard and read letrozole is stronger/harsher. More of a break glass in case of emergency. will tank E2 and can get some problems Anastrozole seems to be preferred over letro, but stuff is cheap so why not have both on hand
ohhh thanks man

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