42yr old using gear for a year

To do no harm all you really need to check is your FBC, hepatic function, renal function, lipids, BP, and maybe a few other things I can’t think of.

T and E levels don’t really need to be known. T and E exert their effects primarily through symptoms and body composition.

I don’t bother checking my T or E2 anymore except to confirm my T is legit. I adjust my dose of T and AI depending on my symptoms. If I treated numbers I’d have my T at mid-to-high and my E2 at medium, which leaves me feeling shit.

I keep my T slightly above range and my E2 at the upper end because that’s where I feel best. Hormone receptor sensitivity and distribution affects hormonal effects much more strongly than circulating levels of hormones.
To do no harm all you really need to check is your FBC, hepatic function, renal function, lipids, BP, and maybe a few other things I can’t think of.

T and E levels don’t really need to be known. T and E exert their effects primarily through symptoms and body composition.

I don’t bother checking my T or E2 anymore except to confirm my T is legit. I adjust my dose of T and AI depending on my symptoms. If I treated numbers I’d have my T at mid-to-high and my E2 at medium, which leaves me feeling shit.

I keep my T slightly above range and my E2 at the upper end because that’s where I feel best. Hormone receptor sensitivity and distribution affects hormonal effects much more strongly than circulating levels of hormones.

Hubris, surpassed only by idiocy.