Exploring the human limits of weight loss, my ongoing experiment


The idea
My latest bulk went out of hand. I ended up falling back into old habits and gaining much more weight than I would have ever wanted. I decided it was time for a change. I began researching the physiology behind fat loss and various methods and compounds that have produced extraordinary results. I grew interested in finding out just how much someone can lose in a short amount of time and began an extreme experiment on myself to achieve that goal. I encourage you to read this with an open mind and purely for the entertainment of seeing what I am doing and what will happen. I make no mention of this being safe or “right” and am not advocating for anyone to try anything like this. I am simply detailing my experience.

Where we are now
I am nearly one month into the cut and have lost 27 pounds in 24 days. I do 24 hour fasts every day, only eating a very small dinner of 500-600 calories, 800 max. I also completed a 72 hour water fast. Full electrolyte and vitamin supplementation is what makes this possible. Without the electrolytes, I would be wholeheartedly fucked.

As far as compounds go, I am currently on TRT, which is a constant in my life and Tirzepatide. I will gradually be introducing additional compounds and practices as the cut progresses.

Where we are going
This upcoming second month is an exciting one, as it is the month the extreme side of this cut really gets going. Tirzepatide will be switched out for Retatrutide. HGH with fasted cardio will be added in for fat loss, sleep, and autophagy, GHK-Cu as well. T3/T4 will be introduced later in the month in order for beautiful synergy with the GH and to force my metabolism into continuimg to run at full force despite extreme caloric deficits. Muscle loss is inevitable, but weight training will be introduced to signal my body that we still need to keep some of it.

The 24 hour fasts will remain, but I will be doing more extended water fasting than the first month and adding in dry fasts for additional autophagy. This is the part I am really not looking forward to, as I fucking love water. Since I now have a 3 day water fast under my belt, I am really interested in going for a 7 day. I want to really push my limits and explore the mental journey of that, but I’m going to play it by ear. Honestly, I’m pinging around the idea eventually going fir 30 days or even longer. My body can eat my fat.

Onto the most controversial portion of this cut that many of you were already anticipating. DNP cycles lasting 2-3 weeks be introduced a couple weeks into the second month. Dosages will range between 250 and 500 mg. Each cycle will be followed up by at least 2 weeks off the compound. This is the aspect of the cut I am most nervous about, but it is also the part that will produce the truly unreal results we’re looking for. Here are my rules for mitigating as much risk as I can:

1. 500 mg is the absolute max, no exceptions.
2. Electrolytes and copious amounts of water will be a constant
3. Should peripheral neuropathy or any other serious side effects energy, the cycle will immediately be terminated
4. It should go without saying that no dry fasts will happen during these cycles
5. Vitals will be tested daily

This cut should not take longer than 5 months, and there are other compounds I am interested in experimenting with in the later months. I will likely be cycling on clen during the off cycles of DNP, with the first cycle beginning in the third months. L Carnatine, Cardarine, and 5-Amino-1-MQ (not during DNP due to temperature increase) are other compounds that have piqued my interest that I may experiment with. I may run Anavar and Yohimbine at the very end of my cut, in the final 6 weeks or so.

Key Concerns

I haven’t had issues with this before, and I am hoping that I do not now. I have an over 6 month stockpile of pharmaceutical Anastrozole perscribed by my doctor to deploy if I absolutely need to, but I would like to avoid that if possible. I have even flirted around with the idea of running a low dose of Primobolan to combat aromatization and avoid having to take an AI, but running primo honeslty sounds pretty silly during a cut like this. It would however have the added benefit of working to hold onto muscle.

Loose Skin: This one fucking sucks and I am taking as many measures as I can to mitigate it, GHK-Cu, HGH, water fasts, dry fasts, I’m trying to do it all. If anyone knows of anything else that can fight this, do let me know. I have resigned myself to the fact that I still will likely have some loose skin that will have to be taken care of under the knife, and I will be preparing my finances accordingly.

Blood Pressure: I’ve had problems with this before and am worried that TRT and some other compounds I’ll be introducing may take this too far. I am also perscribed 50 mg of Adderall daily. Despite this, the constant fasting I’m doing should help a lot. I will be keeping my eye on it regardless.

Sleep: Testosterone makes it hard for me to sleep and fasting doesn’t help. I’m really hoping GH fixes this for me, I’m also open to using melatonin if need be.

Assuming I survive, I truly think we will see some extraordinary results from this. I have never heard of someone deploying all of these methods together, and I am confident that the amount of weight loss will be shocking and perhaps even outside the boundaries of what we generally believe to be possible. The DNP cycles, extreme ongoing caloric deficits, and fasts should be the main drivers of this weight loss. Everything else will assist these by pushing them to maximum effectiveness. I will be updating you throughout these coming months. I am so far very much happy with the results and feel quite well all things considered.
Hey, how long has your estradiol been elevated like that? Mine was similar 131. Do you take HCG? I was on 500mg of test though and HCG.
Well I started test prop in the middle of December, and the dose has always stayed the same, so I’m guessing it was that high the entire time. No HCG. I’m starting Arimidex today.
147 is crazy, insane results though. How little were you eating? Was this voluntary? These are gulag numbers. Fuck I can’t imagine. And all that physical labor. You must have felt dead.
I felt great. Under 154 I was always hungry. It was too skinny. I ate maybe a can of corned beef hash after work. I never really felt hungry until I was under 154. I worked 11 hour days towards the end. Saturday id have off and id slam pizza and wings and chug Schmidt's beer
There are a lot of negatives than advice here… I was similar weight to you about 9yrs ago, I was 366lbs and 6’1” I actually carry it well, no fat flabs but I know I snore like a pig and the weight had to go. I started a strict keto diet, and stayed in the first stage I lost 15lbs in water weight the first week, a little stall and then my body finally started using ketones for energy (bear in mind that I had been in ketosis since the 3rd day), I was not feeling hungry anymore, my body actually rejected carbs, I’d feel nauseous if I ate carbs. After the first 2 weeks I was losing 2lbs every day. I stopped when my weight reached 250lbs – quite frankly I should have carried on.

It looks like your weight loss is on a similar trajectory, but here’s my advice for you

  • Only ever do 10 minutes of HIIT every 2-3 days to avoid cortisol buildup. Never do cardio, weightlifting, or use steroids to build muscles – at this stage, the more muscle you have/build/preserve the more of a rebound you get. Muscles need food. You will most certainly lose muscle on 700 calories/day anyway. If in doubt, check out what happened to those who lost weight on My600lb body. Lose the weight first, then tone the muscles.
  • The longer you lose weight and stay at a lower weight, the more your body memory adapts to the new weight. Since losing my weight, the highest I have ever been was 266, irrespective of what I do or eat.
  • Tirzepatide is for people who cannot control what they eat. if you are on OMAD, you are wasting it.
  • Leave out any medications apart from your electrolytes and plenty of water. The more you drink, the more weight you will lose, and the better for your kidneys too.
  • Your body’s ability to produce its own GH GIP, GLP-1 and every other thing it needs to be a well-oiled machine is heightened as you lose weight on OMAD and you will be confusing it if you mix in the medications.
  • Sleeeeeeep…!!! Your body only ever fixes itself when you sleep. Even autophagy happens when you sleep. If you must, take sleeping pills.
  • You are losing weight rapidly – too rapidly, so excess skin is inevitable. Autophagy can only do so much
There are a lot of negatives than advice here… I was similar weight to you about 9yrs ago, I was 366lbs and 6’1” I actually carry it well, no fat flabs but I know I snore like a pig and the weight had to go. I started a strict keto diet, and stayed in the first stage I lost 15lbs in water weight the first week, a little stall and then my body finally started using ketones for energy (bear in mind that I had been in ketosis since the 3rd day), I was not feeling hungry anymore, my body actually rejected carbs, I’d feel nauseous if I ate carbs. After the first 2 weeks I was losing 2lbs every day. I stopped when my weight reached 250lbs – quite frankly I should have carried on.

It looks like your weight loss is on a similar trajectory, but here’s my advice for you

  • Only ever do 10 minutes of HIIT every 2-3 days to avoid cortisol buildup. Never do cardio, weightlifting, or use steroids to build muscles – at this stage, the more muscle you have/build/preserve the more of a rebound you get. Muscles need food. You will most certainly lose muscle on 700 calories/day anyway. If in doubt, check out what happened to those who lost weight on My600lb body. Lose the weight first, then tone the muscles.
  • The longer you lose weight and stay at a lower weight, the more your body memory adapts to the new weight. Since losing my weight, the highest I have ever been was 266, irrespective of what I do or eat.
  • Tirzepatide is for people who cannot control what they eat. if you are on OMAD, you are wasting it.
  • Leave out any medications apart from your electrolytes and plenty of water. The more you drink, the more weight you will lose, and the better for your kidneys too.
  • Your body’s ability to produce its own GH GIP, GLP-1 and every other thing it needs to be a well-oiled machine is heightened as you lose weight on OMAD and you will be confusing it if you mix in the medications.
  • Sleeeeeeep…!!! Your body only ever fixes itself when you sleep. Even autophagy happens when you sleep. If you must, take sleeping pills.
  • You are losing weight rapidly – too rapidly, so excess skin is inevitable. Autophagy can only do so much
Don’t build muscle lol don’t do cardio !!! That’s all I had to read.

On to the next brilliant person …..
Either the edibles are kicking in really hard or there's no evidence to support that claim. All studies show better outcomes with exercise and steroids (P<0.05).

Bro, you quoted the wrong article, none of those were on a starvation diet.

Here's the science: You only consumed 700 calories in 24 Hrs

  • 700 calories are not enough to support you for the day, so it starts to break down your fat deposits and puts your body in ketosis. It will also break down muscles, starting with the biggest glutes.
  • Your TRT will support your libido, etc but it will not support muscle building or stop its destruction. Nothing you take will stop that because you are not eating enough.
  • HIIT for 10 mins tells your body that your muscles are still required to survive… The longer you train e.g. cardio, the more stress hormone you create (cortisol), the more muscles you destroy; you will end up with a runner’s legs—skinny, strong legs.
  • Weightlifting: The science of muscle building is to destroy and rebuild as a bigger muscle; for that to happen, you need to feed the muscle. However, when you are in that much deficit, you lift to break down the muscle, and instead of rebuilding, it gets consumed as food. After all, you have not fed it the needed proteins.
If your calorific deficit is just under maintenance, you will lose more fat and preserve your muscles.
Don’t build muscle lol don’t do cardio !!! That’s all I had to read.

On to the next brilliant person …..
He should forget the cocktail of medications he gathered to preserve or build muscle. If you are on 600–800 calories a day, you can’t save the muscle; nothing will. Training destroys more muscles faster.

When you are done getting to your desired weight, work on your physique. That’s my recommendation. The alternative is to consume more calories (protein) to preserve the muscles.
147 is crazy, insane results though. How little were you eating? Was this voluntary? These are gulag numbers. Fuck I can’t imagine. And all that physical labor. You must have felt dead.
I felt great. Under 154 I was always hungry. It was too skinny. I ate maybe a can of corned beef hash after work. I never really felt hungry until I was under 154. I worked 11 hour days towards the end.
Doing it wrong, stay fat forever fatty.
I wasn't "doing" anything, dummy. Wasnt even working out.
Well I started test prop in the middle of December, and the dose has always stayed the same, so I’m guessing it was that high the entire time. No HCG. I’m starting Arimidex today.
I wouldn’t unless you have estrogen symptoms. I found at 750mg I need about 12.5 mg of aromasin twice a week and that is because of some somewhat mild but irritating discomfort in my nipples. I felt better without it other than those symptoms but it isn’t really so bad. I haven’t experimented much with arimidex but I didn’t need any AI at 500mg/week of test. Maybe just see how it makes you feel but wait a couple days first and then see where your estradiol is at after a few weeks.
He should forget the cocktail of medications he gathered to preserve or build muscle. If you are on 600–800 calories a day, you can’t save the muscle; nothing will. Training destroys more muscles faster.

When you are done getting to your desired weight, work on your physique. That’s my recommendation. The alternative is to consume more calories (protein) to preserve the muscles.
This is what I am thinking about right now. I just posted something about this. I was curious how much more muscle I could save in a cut on steroids as opposed to natural. You are saying it doesn’t matter if you are on roids if you are in an extreme deficit, you will lose muscle. But steroids are medications created for this exact reason. Like if someone is bed ridden, anavar is prescribed so they don’t lose all their muscle mass. Perhaps it isn’t possible without eating enough calories but I’m not talking about eat no calories at all. Just losing weight through fasting, calorie and carb restriction. Still going to try to get enough protein.

But I understand your comment about training will break down the muscle and you will need to eat to grow it back bigger or just to repair. And if you are in an extreme deficit this doesn’t really seem worth your time as it will not grow back any bigger than before and even if it slowed down muscle loss, it would also slow down weight loss. So it’s a matter of if you want to be on a cut for 3 months or a month and a half, be done with it and spend a month and a half training, increasing calories and getting your strength back and muscle mass back. I don’t like training on a cut and every time ive tried it, it just takes longer to lose weight and I’m always getting weaker. Cardio us even worse for me. Both make me hungry and I don’t lose weight as fast. The weights I do retain more muscle and strength but it’s no fun. And seems like I’m just breaking down my muscles more than retaining them. And theres that temptation to just eat calories to recover which seems to end up in too many calories. It’s like no man’s land.