Could masteron also reduce anadrol related gyno?

it happens when i am on mast or npp. i dont know what the reason is. When i am on mast my resting hb is ok and i still cant sleep. Its like i need a long time to sleep or i just sleep for like 4-5 hours. But still full of energy.
Thats why i dont want to run it anymore. Maybe now that i am on beta blockers it would be different. but not worth the hassle imo. But my problem with mast and npp is rare. my friends sleep like babies on those compounds
Have you considered lowering your Anadrol dose to a point where you still get good effects but don’t get terrible gyno?
Masteron helped my gyno so much.

Yet cant run it anymore.

What has helped my gyno most, is avoiding huge peaks and valleys of hormones, more stable levels of things means less gyno.
I got gyno from anadrol before. Was upset for like 3 weeks, ran tamoxifen and felt like blasting my brains out. Said fuck it gyno ain’t so bad after all. I’ll eventually get surgery if it gets any bigger.

No fucking way am I ever using SERMs again.

I don’t give a shut about gyno though, as long as the lump stays the same size and doesn’t get massive I’m Gucci.
You can never get rid of gyno unless you knock it on its ass as soon as you get it with rolox. If you don't you need surgery I don't care what you do you may be able to knock it down but it's always there and will affect all your cycles and goals because of worrying of flare up. Get surgery like I did and get gland removed and fuck gyno forever. Take it from me I tried and tried but it always came back. Now It don't matter what I take never have gyno issues.
You can never get rid of gyno unless you knock it on its ass as soon as you get it with rolox. If you don't you need surgery I don't care what you do you may be able to knock it down but it's always there and will affect all your cycles and goals because of worrying of flare up. Get surgery like I did and get gland removed and fuck gyno forever. Take it from me I tried and tried but it always came back. Now It don't matter what I take never have gyno issues.
Does raloxifene have less side effects then tamoxifen because I ran tamoxifen and I felt like committing suicide.

Made me feel like absolute shit and that life wasn’t worth living. I’m not joking either.

I have 600 tabs of anadrol just sitting there and I can’t really use them because I got gyno from it before. I’m too tight to throw them out.
Rolex is a much newer and carries less side effects than Tamoxifen wich is a very old drug. Squeeze ur nipples if discharge comes out then this is prolactin related gyno and neither would really help you would need cabor. But again if gyno is not caught immediately it will always be there waiting to flair again.
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