Anavar and clen


New Member
Hey guys i have been on var about 8 weeks now and into my final few weeks on it.
I'm going to start coming off soon..
During my cycle I have bulked to try and get some gains and im happy with the result.

Coming off I do still have quite a bit of body fat that I want budged now... so my questions are
1 I know I need to rest between cycles so 10/12 weeks in cycle and 10/12 weeks break. But can I once off the var, go straight forward and use clen? Or is it best to totally have a break for 10/12 weeks.
2 can anyone tell me their side effects on clen?

Thank you guys
dont fuck with niggaz cutie...

I suggest you to say fuckin away from Clen..

Better using something like 2 or 3iu of a proper HGH, upon waking , before cardio, and stay fasted for maybe 2 hours

You have to ask here to random people side effects of Clen , running the risk to run into someone that tells Hey girl take this and that..

Save some money and get under theguidance of a well know and well respect figure that can show you proof of professionality on preppin women.. you don’t need Clen unless you’re a super advance competitor and I would be sorry for you if it that would be the case

you can lose fat without shit like ephedrine dnp Clen t3 T4 etc... dont fuck with drugs just because you can find them everywhere..

You ll harm yourself for nothing..

Right diet for you, right excercises routine for you.. something like Anavar and HGH would be fine.. don’t need harsh stuff like Clen etc..

Save some hundreds and spend time searching for some coach that cares about your health first... there is plenty of morons out there.. so, be careful .. good luck