Anavar dosage and timing?


New Member
Well here I am. New to this site but not these types of forums. I’m curious about Anavar. I understand the compound but I’m trying to figure out how most people normally run it? ED or only on training days? Dosage? I’ve read that some people take it ED all at once, some split it up and others only on training days so I’m curious what everyone does.

All responses are much appreciated as I try to navigate the world of potential compounds for future cycles.
Learn to use the search bar. This topic is well covered. These questions cannot be answered without knowing your goals, tolerance to the compound, what you want specifically from the compound.

Here's a start:
Some like to run cycles, some use it pre workout sometimes and some even use it year round at 10mg or so...

As far as splitting vs taking it all at once, depends on whether you cycle or use it pw.

For pw it's logical to take it all.

For cycle you are better of splitting in to 2-4 times per day.
Learn to use the search bar. This topic is well covered. These questions cannot be answered without knowing your goals, tolerance to the compound, what you want specifically from the compound.

Here's a start:
All I asked is everyone’s preferences on dosage and timing. Why would that involve my own personal experiences and goals? I’m no where near ready for a cycle yet.

You are correct though I do need to learn to use the search bar, the link you shared didn’t populate for me on the first two pages! Thank you
All I asked is everyone’s preferences on dosage and timing. Why would that involve my own personal experiences and goals? I’m no where near ready for a cycle yet.

You are correct though I do need to learn to use the search bar, the link you shared didn’t populate for me on the first two pages! Thank you
Nah, it's all right man, sometimes we get these questions by new members they want information which is available you know so we automatically reply like that. I'm sure he didn't mean it, he misunderstood your question a bit and that's it.

Well, yeah comments like this are good they show the right way to learn. Good luck man.

Nah, it's all right man, sometimes we get these questions by new members they want information which is available you know so we automatically reply like that. I'm sure he didn't mean it, he misunderstood your question a bit and that's it.

Well, yeah comments like this are good they show the right way to learn. Good luck man.
The last thing I want to do is show up here and ruffle feathers. I don’t want anyone to think my last post was being super defensive. I just want to clarify my original post a little more.

I do need to get more familiar with the forum but I appreciate all the help from the members