Anavar, liver enzymes, TUDCA


Well-known Member
Does anyone have experience with tudca while on anavar?

I'm curious to know if tudca would keep liver enzymes below 50 while a female is doing 10mg daily cycle.

For me, I always keep orals short and rely on my liver to just bounce back after. But she's in a specific situation were she gets treatment once a month. They pull bloods before the treatment, and her liver enzymes were high,in the 160's. She didn't wanna tell them she was on var, they asked, and I'm betting assumed, if she did some binge drinking recently.

But they skipped her treatment and scheduled new bloods. She stopped var started tudca. After about a week her enzymes were at about 70.

Nurse said they won't skip the treatment if liver enzymes are 50 or below. Seeing the 160, they just did their due diligence. They wanted to rule out anything serious, or even if the treatment was causing it.

So, people with experience, and preferably know from blood work. Would tudca keep liver enzymes within normal ranges while on a female var cycle.

Her plan is to just not use var while on treatment. Which will be the next year essentially. I've mentioned primo, but that's a separate conversation all together.

Thanks in advance.
It works well to prevent hepatic.damage, but it doesn't drop enzymes as powerfully as some other compounds.

Injectable glutathione is god-tier for liver enzymes, even running hepatoxic stuff. It'll keep her AST/ALT well below 50 running var. TUDCA might be borderline depending on her baseline enzyme activity.