
youre a 1 post account that joined this week, you are nobody. Youre only post being sharing shitty product advertisement makes you look like a shill.

keep it to yourself
You, too, had just registered here once and you also had your first post here. It is inappropriate to call a person a nobody just because they have recently registered. I see no point in continuing this conversation. All the best to you!
You, too, had just registered here once and you also had your first post here. It is inappropriate to call a person a nobody just because they have recently registered. I see no point in continuing this conversation. All the best to you!

You, too, had just registered here once and you also had your first post here. It is inappropriate to call a person a nobody just because they have recently registered. I see no point in continuing this conversation. All the best to you!
do you often barge into peoples homes and shit on their carpet?

HAve some manners and go introduce yourself first