Anhedonia from Bpc-157 or Tb-500?

Country Club Hero

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10+ Year Member
So I think I have always used both together but I’m wondering if it’s just the bpc157 that’s causing the inability to find pleasure or does anyone know if Tb-500 will cause it too?

I’m dealing with some nagging injuries and would at least like to finish this vial of Tb-500. But not if it’s the culprit or if it’s just the bpc-157 that’s causing it. I know bpc157 is notorious for causing anhedonia so I’m done with it. It’s amazingly effective but makes me miserable. But I’m wondering if anyone experiences this from Tb-500 alone?
It's the BPC. It modulates dopaminergic neurons, and while active on them desensitizes agonization.

People on prescription amphetamines and such all of a sudden don't have their meds working nearly as well, and even some opioid addicts/alcoholics can be thrown into a pseudo withdrawal from it, especially IV'ed.
It's the BPC. It modulates dopaminergic neurons, and while active on them desensitizes agonization.

People on prescription amphetamines and such all of a sudden don't have their meds working nearly as well, and even some opioid addicts/alcoholics can be thrown into a pseudo withdrawal from it, especially IV'ed.
Ok thanks. That’s what I figured. Guess I’ll see how effective Tb500 is standalone for healing.

Do you run Tb500? If so, what is your dosing amount and frequency?
2.5 mg MWF is the usual protocol but other users have reported more immediate relief/healing from TB @ 2-3 mg/d.

It can get expensive.