Another hcg ?


Well-known Member
i have pregnyl 5000 hcg and I was only able to fit 4ml of bac water .. What is the iu on the insulin syringe at 20 mark?
No just 1ml total mate. than every 10units on the syringe will be 500iu hcg. It's not that hard. U should figure it out before u start messing around with it
Everything I tried to read on it says add 5ml of bac water.. Doing only 1ml would a lot easier and less to inject doing less bac water like you mention would only require 10 on the insulin syringe..
It filled up after 4ml
I couldn't get any more in
I put 1ml in the amp, transfer that to the empty vial provided , than added 4ml from syringe but only got 3ml out of it
oh you used the very small vial included? I used a 10 ml vial. depending on how much you want to use you could have gone with 2.5ml and then at the 25iu mark it would be 500iu hcg.
not 100% sure yet. thinking of running hcg 250iu for this first week on clomid/nolva but not sure if its a good or horrible idea. ive read both good and bad about running hcg in pct.
Your almost done with your cycle.. I'm going to start hcg next week .. Going in to get blood work done next week and see the doc the following week..I had to up my arimedex to .5mg eod from .25.. Nipples were getting sensitive after the 3rd week.. I don't know if you remember but I mention I did only 250 and you along with others rec twice the dose which I did the third week.. That 3rd week my blood pressure went up, saw the doc and he got me on lisinopril ..which works for me.. Been pinning x2 a week for a total of 500mg.. Going in my 5th week..