Any connection between low platelets and Anabolics?


i have a 120 count result on my bloods, for blood platelets. Do anabolics play into a low count? Should I be really worried?
Don't freak out about a single lab result like that. I donate platelets frequently, and am usually around 250k, but I've seen the occasional dip on bloodwork down to 140k or so.
I'm trying not to. It's at least comforting to hear someone else who has seen a lower number. Still a little concerned, however I won't have insurance for another 6 months. I can get labs though in another 3 months out of pocket. Hopefully they are a little better.

The fact that you actually donated platelets though could have been the only reason you were low.
Talk with YOUR Doc dude, but an isolated platlet count of 120K is nothing to worry about per say.

This is one reason weekend warriors shouldn't be ordering lab tests they haven't the knowledge to interpret.

Bc before ya know it someone else will opine "OMG" my brother had a low platlet count and he had leukemia!
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