Any takes on the debate/trend with split?


New Member
Hi guys any takes on the ongoing social media debate on optimal split?

Have through the years used
Chest, triceps
Shoulder biceps
Legs and calves

My self with good results.

People theese days debate ppl, upper lower etc.

What do you use?
An optimal split is different for everyone and it can be diffrent for the same person throughout the year.
For example when you want to bring up lagging parts or certain body parts dont recover quicky.
Me personally I can not do push pull leg because i am exhausted at the end of a push and pull day and there is no way i can put enough energy for arms and shoulders. I do chest back arms leg repeat rest and work very good for me. On arm day i add muscle groups that are lagging.
You have to find your own split imo
Westside Barbell is two upper body days and two lower body days.

I like it, in part, because it puts more emphasis on lower body power than other programs.

A coach once said that the easiest way to put muscle on a bodybuilder is to have a strong bodybuilder. I think it was Chad Nicholls. Westside is known for creating strong athletes.
I like using 2 day splits (e.g. upper / lower) splits in calorie restricted periods where I need to get bang for my buck and hit everything efficiently and frequently

3 day splits (e.g. PPL) in higher calorie periods to hammer in the muscle for growth and really punish the parts being trained on each day

End of day, I think learning to be dynamic with your splits based on goals and calorie needs is when you really learn the training kung fu