Anybody Got a Better Plan for Cutting on the Road?


This Struggling Fat Fuck is all ears....

Long time lurker on couple boards; but never dug into meso until now. Elsewhere seen a bit of sponsor shilling and feedback censorship, so dig the first amendment / harm reduction vibe here.

Life long semi-fattie, was once lean (under 10%) with semi-decent cardio and lifts, but that's looooong past. On the road for work and loaded with kids and family stuff when not, so plenty of excuses for current state of fat-fuckery.

~ 19% @ 211#
BIG3: can't find the bar...
waistline: broke the tape...

As a lifelong struggling semi fattie, I tried many diet approaches - atkins, keto, carb cycling, carnivore, OMAD, very low cal, and extended fasting. Same for fattie drugs, including stims, dnp, eca, moda, sema, etc. PED-wise, I have experience with TRT + mini-cycles. Fan of the less is more approach, aka bitch cycles. Prop/Anavar/Primo/TrenA microdosing type of thing.

In the past I have usually cut pretty hard to get the fat off fast and then so-called lean bulked with a small cycle to put the muscle back. This worked fastest for me, but doesn't fit with the travel. So current plan is what everybody says is "the best" but I hate - slo and fuckin steady, which I can maintain on and off the road mostly.

Diet is carnivore lite, meaning I'm eating mostly meat, eggs, and butter, but not freaking the fuck out over sauces and dairy like the fanatics. Been using shakes when needed which I can whip up with a travel blender in the room. Started around 218# dry (glycogen depleted) so down 7# or so in last month+. Tracking food and cutting calories slightly week to week. 5-10, so fighting weight is probably 185#? If I can get close to 190, on this plan, hopefully will be off the road for a bit and able to re-start lifting. Until then, its bodyweight and hotel stairs, cardio/walking when schedule permits.

Also amateur crypto/opsec/darknet/privacy enthusiast. Happy to throw in whatever knowledge I may have gained through my trial and error.
If you have gone real sub 10% before, you don't need advice in dieting
Most of the guys here, haven't even cut to 10% themselves not including the competitors of course.

Being in the road is challenging for anyone. Cutting even in a perfect environment is hard by itself, that would be double the challenge doing it in the road. Just maintain and do your cut when you have ready in my opinion.
If you have gone real sub 10% before, you don't need advice in dieting
Most of the guys here, haven't even cut to 10% themselves not including the competitors of course.

Being in the road is challenging for anyone. Cutting even in a perfect environment is hard by itself, that would be double the challenge doing it in the road. Just maintain and do your cut when you have ready in my opinion.
Appreciate the response, bro. I have cut that low a couple times, but really controled situation with home food, work, flex schedule, etc. Not ideal, but low and slow seems ok for now, Just gotta keep waling past that "free" breakfast buffet....
I get anxious travelling because of my diet and food. I always feel nervous days or even weeks leading into a vacation. Which I hate, I’m fortunate to have a job that is fairly predictable in terms of day to day schedule. Without breaking the bank and purchasing food on the go, I always just pack several days worth in a giant cooler and plan for the worst lol!
It's all about how much you want it. Is it harder when traveling? Yes. Is it really THAT hard to either prep meals and keep them cold or order a meal prep service in each city? No. If you want it you'll make it happen. Same with gyms.
It's all about how much you want it. Is it harder when traveling? Yes. Is it really THAT hard to either prep meals and keep them cold or order a meal prep service in each city? No. If you want it you'll make it happen. Same with gyms.
agreed. commitment is king and meal prep is doable. more challenging is the client eating/drinking out certain lines of work require. that and finding an open squat rack near your hotel.