Anyone here notice hair loss from anavar?


Im thinking about adding anavar to my trt. Im wondering if anyone has noticed hair loss from anavar? I have used it a lot in the past but when I was on fina which I lost no hair on. I am not on oral minoxidil. So idk if it will cause hair loss or not?
Im thinking about adding anavar to my trt. Im wondering if anyone has noticed hair loss from anavar? I have used it a lot in the past but when I was on fina which I lost no hair on. I am not on oral minoxidil. So idk if it will cause hair loss or not?
I'm blessed with good hair Gene's so far, just some grays. No hair loss with any compounds.

How does mast treat ur hair line? Lol
I'm blessed with good hair Gene's so far, just some grays. No hair loss with any compounds.

How does mast treat ur hair line? Lol
Idk bro. This is the first time in my life that im taking gear and im not on fina. I have nice hair but im wondering if I will lose hair on cycle now that im not on fina. My cycle is really small, just test 250mg a week and started anavar today at 50mg.
Im thinking about adding anavar to my trt. Im wondering if anyone has noticed hair loss from anavar? I have used it a lot in the past but when I was on fina which I lost no hair on. I am not on oral minoxidil. So idk if it will cause hair loss or not?
I would expect some hair loss if you don’t add fin back into the mix. Being prone to hair loss it would seem the only way to remedy the issue.
Yes on test/primo alone i don't lose much hair, but adding in Anavar i lost quite a lot. And you don't even notice it at first, it creeps up on you.

But it's just such a good steroid it's hard to go without it during summer...
Idk bro. This is the first time in my life that im taking gear and im not on fina. I have nice hair but im wondering if I will lose hair on cycle now that im not on fina. My cycle is really small, just test 250mg a week and started anavar today at 50mg.
I am very prone to hair loss from testosterone but I have full head of hair. Test makes me shed like crazy but with finasteride I dont shed.
From my experience Dbol Anavar Eq and Tbol are hair safe.
Tl;dr my advice is always use finasteride while on testosteron.