ChatGPT: Why Nandrolone Isn't the Hair-Safest Option: Two Hair-Safe Protocols for Muscle Growth

For what i know Progesterone naturally inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase
Now prolactin can me you shed hair or increase AGA

if you are prone to hair loss Npp+dbol / WITHOUT TEST will make you shed

more hair safer cycle probably is low dose test 300mg max + fin/minox/Ru/microneedling/keto
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If someone thinks shedding=hair loss they don't know what hair loss is.

Hint: It's not your hair falling out and never returning. That's not how androgenic alopecia works. Study the process of miniaturization. and you'll understand what's needed to prevent its progression.
yeah take some time no miniaturize and stop growing, but shed is fast and we see just people losing 6 months/1 year of hair regrowth in 6/8 weeks cycle.

i understand what you "hair" xD saying but even wihout using steroids we see agressive hair losses, like 6 months of shedding and losing 50% of density, or loose 1-3 cm hair line , lot of times will never regrowth
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