I'm only replying so people in the future can see it and don't get mislead.
1. He’s not a failed coach. Clark is coaching because it’s a hobby, he probably is a bettter coach then you and has more succes.
Hes is a failed coach, grifting a handful of impressionable young men is easy and all the rage right now (Wes Watson, Elliot Hulse, Andrew Tate)
(Also, you spelled success wrong, there is even auto correct on this forum so it really speaks to the caliber of guy who is attracted to his content)
Where your video with vigerious Steve?
This isn't an argument and going on a youtube channel isn't an accomplishment.
(great spelling)
Where’s your clients at? I’ll wait
Anyone can have clients, it means absolutely nothing, like all the random nobodies in LA fitness, this is such a modern nonsense instagram esque argument
You sound like a hater and that’s weird.
I am a hater, some things are bad and people need to know. This isn't the "rap game" this is physiology and science. I'm entitled to my opinion , he can put out all the B.S he wants, I can criticize it.
2. It’s referred to as a cult for the LOLs. You’re fear mongering someone who helps teenagers and men it’s their mental and physical help and again that’s very weird of you as a person and as a man. Where’s your Facebook group with 1000s of followers?
Theres facebook groups where people believe eating more carbohydrates make you more insulin sensitive and that fruit builds muscle.
Everything is a "thing". Robbing stores is a "thing" . One guy saying something does not make it true just because 0.0000000000000000000001% of the population click the join button on his facebook group.
It’s a thing for people that react bad to test. Test + deca = wet. Deca by itself = neutral.
No one reacts badly to testosterone, men create testosterone naturally in our own organs.
its nonsensical to believe something as simple as "deca is neutral" when its a 19-nor hormone created in a lab in 1950.
Deca only isn’t a thing because you don’t do it?
Well that’s horse shit
No one does deca only except for randoms that get tricked into specifically TCs content.
He has client that post that halo only cycles work as well where’s your clients posting that is doesn’t work?
A client". You can find thousands of people that believe they have permanently prevented their bodies ability to create an erection based on some finasteride tablets. A few people is not proof of anything.
( its interesting to note, that many of the same demographic are neurotically obessed with hairloss are also drawn to TCs content)
You’re not even contributing you’re just hating on someone that makes more money than you in this game, has world wide respect - - with haters I can see that too, hating on someone with followers that support him and follow what he say, hating on someone that has been on numerous podcast with well known fitness peolle in the industry. It doesn’t make sense
"hating" is not an argument. Its a phrase people started using to deflect accountability
View count =/= accurate information. They make money from views, that is why click-bait ,having on random people that go viral and "the new thing that might be awesome" is popular.
I have nothing to gain from telling men to avoid deca only cycles and other psuedo science promoted by TC, however TC has been trying to grow his "following" for like 7 years.
I don't know what stake you have in this, since you didn't mention your own deca only cycle anecdote, physique or any scientific claims to refute my points, I'm guessing you have a sort of parasocial relationship