Exotic or Rare Compound Experiences

Dude, with this kind of attitude you won't last here. Please be more respectful to members and control yourself.

@Palifter is actually 6'2 and so am I. It's not like we are bunch of jealous manlets fyi. Not that it makes any difference and gives any right to discriminate those under 6ft.

It's a steroid, fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting, diet forum and we discuss everything here what goes in to our enhanced lifestyle.

Guys said you need to put more effort in to your diet and one of them is a competitor, so again they know what they are saying. There's no reason to get offended for positive criticism, if it means for the better. You could ask for advice rather than attacking because you feel somehow attacked. I can asure you there are many of us willing to help.

Here our goal is to improve, each and every one of us we are here to gain and share knowledge. We are driven and we have different goals in our minds that we want to achieve. Yes, we do discuss problems and sometimes beef up, but in a good and non toxic way. In the end that's what Meso is all about and if you don't feel the same, then all I can say is this is not a place for you. So make up your mind which category you want to fall in.
Solid answer bro , couldn’t have worded that better and if it were any other forum would have just gotten banned so good to see there is least a form of due process here .
I feel you bro Havoc Epistane was my first real AAS after trying a few sarms. Ran it at 30/30/40/40 and all my lifts shot up by like 30% and I put on like 12 pounds even though only like 2-3 were real mass. I love that compound man it was like the perfect in between from Var and Tbol and Winny. Dried me out as well or better than winny, gained more mass than Var, and was way stronger than Tbol or Var.