Anyone noticed their E2 change over time for a given dose of testosterone?


So I’m at the same bodyfat just about as I’ve been for the last year.

From multiple tests over multiple months, I found I was able to get up to 3900ish ng/dl total T with 600Test/700 Deca and have my E2 in a good spot, it ranged between 45-52pg/ml LC/MS. No Ai was ever used. So this was not a one off, it was surprising that I didn’t have more E2 with such a heavy total T and mg doseage plus nandrolone which is known to increase the aromatization rate of testosterone.
Long story short this was done over early- middle 2021.

Cut to January 2022, I’m cruising on 120mg testosterone enanthate per week, 954ng/dl total T and my E2 is 37.2 pg/ml. This was strange to me, because this is essentially the same E2 as I’d previously had but with a much higher 3300-3900ng/dl total T. It almost seems like my e2 wants to stay at this range.

Although I wonder, was there just something going on in my body in 2021 and causing me to aromatize at a very very slow rate ? And maybe now when I go back up my E2 will increase to something more expected. Like most people would require an Ai if they were taking 600mg test per week.

One other weird trend, I’ve posted about this before, but when I was a lifelong natty, also over multiple tests, I’d have 450ish total T, but my E2 was so low that any lower it would be undetectable. Like 4.5pg/ml with a reference range of 9-35pg/ml. My e2 was half the reference range.

If you don’t know about my situation, can anyone else tell me what their testosterone to E2 ratios look like and if they’ve changed over time ?

Like say you required an AI to stay in range on 300mg test, and then over time you can take 300mg without and Ai and achieve the same e2 level. Just an example.