Test / E2 Golden Ratio?

it's not just how you feel in the short run, but also how you feel in the long run.
it's like smoking a cigarette and saying you can't feel anything with your lungs full of shit...sure, but if you keep smoking and have your lungs full of smoke...well we all know cigarettes lead to cancer and several other problems.

high estrogens in the short term do "nothing", indeed they can even give better results. ok if you do a short cycle and then pct... but be careful in the long run to have estrogen always and constantly at high levels.
it's not just how you feel in the short run, but also how you feel in the long run.
it's like smoking a cigarette and saying you can't feel anything with your lungs full of shit...sure, but if you keep smoking and have your lungs full of smoke...well we all know cigarettes lead to cancer and several other problems.

high estrogens in the short term do "nothing", indeed they can even give better results. ok if you do a short cycle and then pct... but be careful in the long run to have estrogen always and constantly at high levels.
So,why you monitoring blood,blood presure,monitoring differnces in your body?
Things play out differently in practical application. Just Like how EQ aromatizes at 50% the rate of testosterone but that’s not the case for everyone. I’ve seen nandrolone only bloodwork and nothing is convincing me it aromatizes to any significant extent.
So you have nandrolone solo bloodwork at the 750 mg weekly level and above showing sub-normal E2?

I do not believe you, and since whatever you might share would be totally unreliable, I will not, either.

I have Deca only bloodwork at the 600 mg weekly level showing normal (low-normal but in range) E2.

And as for EQ, which does aromatize (but to E1, a weak estrogen & E2) at 58% the rate of T, I have bloods showing guys on EQ with remarkably high estradiol while using only 400 mg/w testosterone. EQ bloodwork just runs the gamut with respect to E2 (inter-individual variation). Hell, I've even written an article that in part discusses these EQ bloodwork results and why this probably is that will be published on the main site.
English is not my native language and sometimes it's hard to communicate the right thing.
but, at least in my language, the words and phrases have a definite meaning.
deca does not aromatize
deca aromatises little
deca does not aromatize to estradiol
are 3 different sentences with different value and meaning

to say that deca does not aromatize and then give a link where there is no evidence of this, does not seem correct to me.
in the study they limit themselves to saying that it does not aromatize or that it aromatises little, I asked for a study where this is evident and the conclusion is reached that deca does not aromatize.
the indicated study focuses on something completely different, just read the title.

the problem of making certain statements, such as "deca does not aromatize" and that's it, is incorrect.
neophyte people who read these things then get the wrong idea about compounds.

I don't want to make a war of it, I really don't care.

but words have meanings and composed sentences too.
either it is right or it is wrong.
I just wanted to point out the inaccuracy of his sentence. that's all
Take it easy, take it easy. I agree with you in principle here. I think that the editors should have kicked this back during review to have the authors bring their definition in line with the broader literature, and only did not do so since this definitional quibble simply wasn't pertinent to the study's outcome.
This ratio is complicated
Test total 89nnmol
E2 380pmol
Shbg 15
(Felt fucking amazing)

Test total 120nnmol >
E2 134pmol
Shbg 21
(Felt OK certain days Felt great)

Test total 78nmol
E2 230pmol
Shbg 38
(Felt normal nothing special)

Test total 77nmol
E2 106pmol
Shbg 23
(Felt off tired)

Now you can imagine how many protocols I went through and how many I changed and I can still say Nope... have no clue what's the best ratio here.. still trying
So you have nandrolone solo bloodwork at the 750 mg weekly level and above showing sub-normal E2?

I do not believe you, and since whatever you might share would be totally unreliable, I will not, either.

I have Deca only bloodwork at the 600 mg weekly level showing normal (low-normal but in range) E2.

And as for EQ, which does aromatize (but to E1, a weak estrogen & E2) at 58% the rate of T, I have bloods showing guys on EQ with remarkably high estradiol while using only 400 mg/w testosterone. EQ bloodwork just runs the gamut with respect to E2 (inter-individual variation). Hell, I've even written an article that in part discusses these EQ bloodwork results and why this probably is that will be published on the main site.

EQ Reduces E2 because it is a substrate for aromatase and converts to Estrone. EQ competes for aromatase just like how Nandrolone competes for 5AR.
My E2 was 115 at 1900 Test with no side effects. I added .25 Arimidex for the first time twice per week just because I was concerned about E2 being that high and wanted to try AI. Don't feel any different and dick is just as hard before and after the AI.

My points:
1) The "right" E2 level is highly individual.
2) Most E2 sides also relate to other factors besides E2 so just focusing on E2 is an over-simplification

Future tense, I probably won't use an AI unless I get gyno.
My E2 was 115 at 1900 Test with no side effects. I added .25 Arimidex for the first time twice per week just because I was concerned about E2 being that high and wanted to try AI. Don't feel any different and dick is just as hard before and after the AI.

My points:
1) The "right" E2 level is highly individual.
2) Most E2 sides also relate to other factors besides E2 so just focusing on E2 is an over-simplification

Future tense, I probably won't use an AI unless I get gyno.
Got my bloods back and the .25 Arimidex per pin over the last two weeks knocked my E2 down from 115 to 60. Maybe carrying a little less water but other than that I dont feel any different.