Which brand has least or no test added as filler?

My apologies, I assumed if your going to inject AAS/PED's into your body you would do some kind of research. Base on this assumption I thought that you were trolling since you stated;

I also thought a 10 year member would know to get blood work before, during and after running AAS/PED's.
yes I have blood work done.. I just got it done which is why I was askign about the EST. I still dont see waht wrong with a deca and test cycle. I now know from answers here my estro isnt really high consindering the T and HCG, and likely wont affect antyhing., it's just high accroding to Quest.
I konw it can cause prolactin issues, but I dont seem to have those.
I know yes from looking things up that most guys like more test than Deca. I'm trying to keep things as low as possible whils still making gains. I just prefer not to use higher test doses and no deca or very low.
For whatever reason it seems to be working for me.
Thanks for your input as it was useful even though you called me a troll lol.
It is weird to me Im highlighted as a 10 yr member... Which I am.. But it infers i'm way more knowledgeable about the subject, but I'm not, I know more than most doing juice, but not anyting like other '10 year members'. though I know it seems to most here I dont know anything lol, and that's fine. It's why I ask questions here.. and rarely can offer an answer when I know it.