Well it’s also 10x more anabolic than testosterone on paper so that’s why people like it.
It clearly is more potent (per-mg), though the variability between assays (e.g., Houtman's bioluminescence AR CALUX data, Lia's Steroid structure/activity data) yields uncertainty in how much more potent, even in relative terms. But definitely more potent (by as much as ~10-fold per Houtman, true) than testosterone.
It's clearly not as simple as "
X-fold more potent, so therefore better" than testosterone or any other AAS, however.
Cheque drops (mibolerone) are a lot more potent than MENT, and yet I don't see mibolerone as highly sought after.
What matters is not simply the potency (i.e., efficacy), but the tradeoffs between efficacy & tolerability.
Testosterone, even
if 10X less potent than MENT per-mg, is still a better drug that fits more use cases (12-w bulking, 12-w cutting, 12-w recomp, long-term TRT) at 350 mg/w than MENT (12-w bulking &
maybe long-term HRT) at 35 mg/w, even despite its being so readily aromatized (but far less than MENT) & 5α-reductase amplified to DHT. Tolerability factors include injection frequency, erythrocytosis/polycythymia related to ester length and therefore Tmax & (low) androgenicity, blood pressure, feminizing effects including fluid retention & gynecomastia, HPG axis dysregulation (endogenous steroidogenesis & spermatogenesis) as a result of diminished LH & FSH secretion, etc.
Shorter esters also keep the levels more stable. So you are getting more from pinning shorter every day than longer every other.
Also here you go>
View: https://vimeo.com/440330060
It's the very opposite that is true; longer esters keep levels more stable.
Something I don't think that is considered is anecdotally how well it is tolerated mentally compared to tren and deca (provided E2 is controlled). In fact, side effects at 50mg/d were the same as 100mg/d for me. There was no further increase in BP and I felt the same. The real limitation ends up being price and oil volume. It is also quite favorable on bloodwork comparatively
Well, MENT's effects on well-being & mood have never to my knowledge been measured meaningfully in a manner that reflects anything of substance, unlike data I've seen for testosterone, methandienone, norethandrolone, etc. So, you'll have to forgive me for dismissing the subject matter as a topic of debate outright for the moment as it is so totally labile and intangible. I do not want for this to be taken as my dismissing the validity of what you felt was something special about MENT; it very well
might be; but I don't think we can say that for certain. I have seen plenty of anecdotes on Reddit that guys felt more in tune with their feelings and the like on MENT. This strikes me as potentially estrogenic; but if perceived as a benefit, then so be it.
As a practical matter, I do not think that people
should be using anabolic-androgenic steroids on the basis of how they positively affect their mood, well-being, and energy. While these are known effects of AAS (exceptions generally proving the rule), effects on psychological state should not in my view dictate drug selection, besides to avoid those compounds that significantly affect your psychology
Anyway, at this point I can see clearly that I am repeating myself; and as the people that enjoy MENT continue to challenge my already well-worn points, I'm going to have to bow out of any more arguments for/against MENT. I'm not losing sleep over whether you use MENT; enjoy.