Anyone use maxxtreme pharma


New Member
If anyone has tried maxxtreme pharma how was your experience with them? Im just curious because i made my first UGL purchase a few months ago after doing a bunch of reading trying to source something. I stumbled upon MESO after unfortunately but i purchased it from a site that the name made me think it was a scam or joke almost just cause of the name of it but the site and reviews looked legit and google trust pilot claimed it was 100% legit plus other reviews seemed to ensure it was a legit vendor so i said fk it and made the purchase and bought 2 10ml vials of test cyp 250mg.

What i dont like is i actually ordered dragon pharma and got maxxtreme pharma but it is supposedly equal strength at 250mgs. It did take about a month to get it but I didnt really care about shipping time since Ive been on trt for like 8 years and get 200 mgs of cyp every 2 weeks and am 35 now.

Since getting it ive been taking 200 mg a week rather than every 2 weeks. My body seems to like this much more but ive always tested low at 200mg every 2 weeks. Anyways i plan to get my dosage increased slightly by my GP to where im in range with my prescribed meds and work up to taking what i can from ugl for extra so ill have to lay off stuff for a few weeks before i go in and get labs drawn id imagine. Also Ive been breaking my shots down into 100-120 mg dosages every 3-5 days.

My thought on this stuff is i definitely feel like its something. I feel stronger and fuller for sure with much more energy but still not quite sure if its legit cyp or not.

One thing i can say is i definitely feel up and pumped and ready to lift within a couple hours after injecting but with the ugl i kind of sweat a little maybe and feel a little tingly a little but not bad. Not sure if its the oil or what. Its very minor. Almost reminds me of anxiety but I am feeling much better when i lift now. Like its amazing actually compared to how my body was broken before replacement all together. I had pretty good genetics as far as my build and size and strength but when i was younger i did some other experimenting with much different substances which fucked my hormones all up. Its been over a decade but finally doing this im feeling like i used to. Im also on t4 at 112 mcgs a day which is a thyroid replacement hormone. I started that before trt. Any replies or info is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
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I prob know exactly what site your talking about. Ive used them for a long time very rarly now a days bc theirs better options.

Ive only used their dbol and i think i used clen from them. Their dbol its hard tp say accuracy because youll get results regardless if yoyr taking 20mg or 50mgs....but i used 30mg pf the dbol and def felt the extra boost of strentgh and fullness added to my TRT. So its hard to say theor g2g by only using 1 of 25 products. Get labswork privatly outside of your gp, or just go off of the old school "feelz and bonerz"
Send to Jano if you’re not sure. Dragon Pharma has some very good gear. Never heard of maxtreme.
Send to Jano but I’ve used that source. It was good from what I remember. I lost contact with them though after I took a little break from gear.
This stuff actually seems good but i still would like to have it tested for quality and contaminants. Honestly i think it may be a little on the strong side. Im not unhappy with my purchase just trying to do some harm reduction if possible . Ill do some research on here on how to get it sent to jano. Next purchase is gonna be from a sponsor on here that everyone seems happy with. I may wait to send out both samples.
This stuff actually seems good but i still would like to have it tested for quality and contaminants. Honestly i think it may be a little on the strong side. Im not unhappy with my purchase just trying to do some harm reduction if possible . Ill do some research on here on how to get it sent to jano. Next purchase is gonna be from a sponsor on here that everyone seems happy with. I may wait to send out both samples.

Just a heads up, don't blindly trust sponsors, even in here.

Everyone is as good as their last batch.