Anyone use roidtest kits?

I didn't even notice I posted the wrong Pic. That diagrams for powders. It's an interesting product. The test c passed every test but the A vial always showed yellow it was suppose the be the color as the B.
Thanks for the reply. From what I understand it's the same test law enforcement use in the field. But I do agree there's no better test than sending it to an actual lab. Who is this jano? I wouldn't mind looking into that at some point.
Roidtest comes with a series of vials containing different chemicals and corrosive acids that are chemically reactive with different compounds. You add 3 to 6 drops and match it with the color chart. It was my first time ordering from Axlelabs. The vials look clean. Test c looks a little thinner and lighter than colored than big pharma. Not necessarily a bad thing. I also ordered deca and it came in thicker and a darker yellow. Both very clean. There lab reports and reputation are in good standing. Good customer service. The price was excellent coming in at 30$ for 300mg/ml my big pharma stuff comes in at 200$ for a 100mg/ml bottle. The test c is mainly what I ordered for but 100$ limit so I had to get the deca as well. I might use it as some point. I put some under my tongue to make sure i wasnt going to have a reaction. Noticed it has a light minty taste. It passed every test with the exception of the A vial in the roid test kit. 1 failed out of 4 so I'm sure it's legit. I even contacted roidtest and they got right back to me telling me the B and D tests are the recommended ones. They both passed. So I guess I'm good. The deca passed the b test but the g test did not come up quite right. May be a dosage issue as the test only goes to 200mg/ml. The G and F tests are suppose to give you a rough estimate of dosage as well. And both where over there charts as the test c was 300mg/ml and deca is 400mg/ml. So I didn't know how they would react. The test cost me 130$ so it was worth it. It was a fun little experiment regardless.


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So I ordered and used a roidtest kit. I was wondering how accurate and accepted these kits are.
Years ago, these things were all the rage on MESO, and everyone had to have one (I never did). And then the consensus after a period of time, was that these kits were worthless. Check back a number of years on MESO, you'll find tons of posts claiming you needed to get one.
Complete garbage product at prices that should be criminal.
I've used 4 kits & 2 of them failed to show anything pharma grade test.
Stay away.
I got a positive 200+ mg result in the semi quantitative testosterone test from Trader Joe’s olive oil. Not kidding.
yea I wasn't very impressed with it. it was a fun experiment. As for store cred I wasn't worried about it. I would rather just give him or they good business. Finding good sources is hard and so far he or they have done an excellent job. I even had an issue with Cialis not working properly and he sent me some freebies. I later found out it was a drug interaction to another medication I was on.

