There was no announcement. When your packs arrive from china they are separated into batches with a packing list, that list is checked for previous offenders (name and address), then x-rayed and opened if they spot anything they need to look at. The stealth doesn't add up to dick, takes a few seconds with a utility knife to cut through any stealth.
People are getting lucky, but a lot more are running into needing reship. People are starting to see "sent to customs for the first time". Myself I'm use to it, when I see package at US customs I just say "F" and know it's a 50/50 shot I'm not getting it. However it doesn't matter for me anyway, I can't take anymore chances from China.
Trump is beefing up customs, he was on TV a few days ago talking about the bullshit war on drugs, he's worried people might be having a good time if they aren't going to work and we can't have any of that shit, your asses need to be working like slaves to keep the police state money, no funding for police and prisons and we can't have any of that freedom shit around here.