Are sub-q injections if testosterone suitable for everyone?

So, I'm new to the realm of steroids, and I need some clarifications.

4 days ago, I did my first testosterone injection, and it was sub-q (under the skin). I chose sub-q, because I'm afraid I may hit a vein or an artery.

4 days later, there is still redness, and the area feels hardened, and there is pain, but the pain is fading. But the redness is still present.

After the first injection, I did 3 more daily injections in 3 different days, but I never got redness. When I put my finger on the areas, I feel hardness and very little pain. As far as I know, carrier oils are expected to cause pain, but not hardening. Correct?

Is this normal and expected? Because I have heard not everyone's body can handle sub-q, and intramuscular injections are needed.

The redness makes me think there was an immune response that created cells that destroy the substance when injected. If this is a possible scenario, should I start IM injections?

Again, I prefer to stick to sub-q, because I'm afraid I may hit a vein or an artery.

So you don't do intramuscular because you afraid of hitting an artery or vein? And you doing subq.. Veins and arteries are closer to the skin than muscles are. The slight pain is because you pierce the skin, if you keep pinning you won't feel nothing.

Redness is not ok, better try intramuscular or try with another test brand with different carrier oil. I'm doing sq with test and primo and i never had any redness and pain that insists. Probably subq isn't for everyone.
Did I miss something? I don’t get the new obsession with SubQ injections. Do you know what happens when you nick a vein? … absolutely nothing. There’s plenty of info out there about where exactly to inject IM and you won’t have any issues. I can assure you there’s ZERO veins inside of your muscles. As I mentioned you may nick one, but it’s not a big deal
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I have not done the subq before for test. That said you are not going to hit anything if you use the correct areas. I have been on TRT for 10 years and I have never been injured. If you search " How to give IM injection in gluteal muscle" you can get all the details you need to feel confident.
Good luck
I had a very strange subq TRT phase a couple years ago. I can't do more than like 0.15ml per shot though or else I get red ugly lumps that sometimes last for a couple weeks. Anyway, I decided it was stupid. We'll not talk about the time I was injecting my belly fat with tren for a month.
So you don't do intramuscular because you afraid of hitting an artery or vein? And you doing subq.. Veins and arteries are closer to the skin than muscles are. The slight pain is because you pierce the skin, if you keep pinning you won't feel nothing.

Redness is not ok, better try intramuscular or try with another test brand with different carrier oil. I'm doing sq with test and primo and i never had any redness and pain that insists. Probably subq isn't for everyone.
I'm using Hilma Biocare testosterone propionate with sesame oil carrier. Redness happened only once, but it never happened again. It was probably an immune response to the first time injection?

Did I miss something? I don’t get the new obsession with SubQ injections. Do you know what happens when you nick a vein? … absolutely nothing. There’s plenty of info out there about where exactly to inject IM and you won’t have any issues. I can assure you there’s ZERO veins inside of your muscles. As I mentioned you may nick one, but it’s not a big deal
According to what I have read, injecting testosterone into a vein or an artery can cause thrombosis and cardiovascular issues...

Also, muscle fibrosis is another one of my fears. Fibrosis in fat tissue can be removed and then fat tissue will regenerate, but getting fibrosis in the muscle and having the fibrosis removed will reduce the volume/size of the muscle, with is not ok for me.
I had a very strange subq TRT phase a couple years ago. I can't do more than like 0.15ml per shot though or else I get red ugly lumps that sometimes last for a couple weeks. Anyway, I decided it was stupid. We'll not talk about the time I was injecting my belly fat with tren for a month.
I'm injecting 30 milligrams in my belly fat tissue, and there are no major problems, just redness only the first time, and after that, only light pain and some hardness.
I'm using Hilma Biocare testosterone propionate with sesame oil carrier. Redness happened only once, but it never happened again. It was probably an immune response to the first time injection?

According to what I have read, injecting testosterone into a vein or an artery can cause thrombosis and cardiovascular issues...

Also, muscle fibrosis is another one of my fears. Fibrosis in fat tissue can be removed and then fat tissue will regenerate, but getting fibrosis in the muscle and having the fibrosis removed will reduce the volume/size of the muscle, with is not ok for me.

Why propionate? Especially for a first cycle.. this thing is famous for pip anyways and by doing subq you cancel the fast absorption of the ester. Stick to cyp or enanthate. Also, avoid doing your belly..this is one reason you may didn't react well. Pin in your glutes as you would do with im. In glutes you have less chances hitting a vein. Also you most likely won't notice that hardening you time try glutes and come back report how it went.
I'm using Hilma Biocare testosterone propionate with sesame oil carrier. Redness happened only once, but it never happened again. It was probably an immune response to the first time injection?

According to what I have read, injecting testosterone into a vein or an artery can cause thrombosis and cardiovascular issues...

Also, muscle fibrosis is another one of my fears. Fibrosis in fat tissue can be removed and then fat tissue will regenerate, but getting fibrosis in the muscle and having the fibrosis removed will reduce the volume/size of the muscle, with is not ok for me.
You can’t inject into a vein at a 90° angle. You also would be injecting while your needle is inside of the muscle where there are no veins

If you still can’t get past that, then it is what it is. Unfortunately I really can’t impart any knowledge on SubQ injections since I’ve never tried. Hopefully some others with firsthand knowledge can help you out.
I tried subq for a while and went back to IM for the same issue of redness under the skin

maybe my technique was bad but I never had a problem IM so I'm just sticking with that
Why propionate? Especially for a first cycle.. this thing is famous for pip anyways and by doing subq you cancel the fast absorption of the ester. Stick to cyp or enanthate. Also, avoid doing your belly..this is one reason you may didn't react well. Pin in your glutes as you would do with im. In glutes you have less chances hitting a vein. Also you most likely won't notice that hardening you time try glutes and come back report how it went.
Okay, I will try injecting sub-q in the glutes.

By the way, does the fact the propionate ester is designed for fast absorption but is being absorbed slowly in the fat tissue reduces the effectiveness?
I tried subq for a while and went back to IM for the same issue of redness under the skin

maybe my technique was bad but I never had a problem IM so I'm just sticking with that
The redness itself isn't really a problem for me. My concerns is that the redness could be the result of an immune response that sends white cells to attack and neutralize the testosterone substance. If this is NOT what actually happens, I don't see a reason to stop using the sub-q method.
The redness itself isn't really a problem for me. My concerns is that the redness could be the result of an immune response that sends white cells to attack and neutralize the testosterone substance. If this is NOT what actually happens, I don't see a reason to stop using the sub-q method.
I believe the redness is the oil trapped in the skin

I dont think our white blood cells have the ability to "attack" oil like that lol

the redness disappearing is the oil eventually being absorbed
I've been switching between IM and sub q for about 25 years now. I started doing sub Q after doing quite a bit of research in the TRT area. My typical IM injection spots are pretty scarred up from years of IM injections kind of imagine injecting through a couple of stacked potato chips. On at least two occasions I've had to actually have surgery to remove infections my doctor believes was caused by filtration fibers making their way into my muscles. I've had plenty more infections over the years via China and Homebrew oils but I can usually power through them with antibiotics lol. I've been on TRT since I was 13 years old as I was born with a condition where I cannot produce testosterone via my balls. With the invention of these new insulin injection pens and 29 g pen needles. Daily injections sub Q of oils has never been easier. I'm currently trying to go through Alibaba to source some 25G or 27 g custom 25 mm pen needles or sub q and IM of thicker oils with an auto insulin pen
I'm not a fan of SC/SQ injections. Only thing I use in that regard is HCG and never any issues. That's a sterilized water solution not oil.

Been on TRT for 10 years. 9 year's self Rx'd and the last year under a Dr's care after a HPTA restart. In that decade I've tried SC 15 or so times with tons of different testosterone brands. Cyp and Enth alike. I've never had a positive outcome with any injection. Each and every time there was a lump or small amount of redness. I even experimented with 0.2-0.3 ml injections a few times a week and my body wasn't liking it.

2 yeara ago I had injected about 3/4 of my weekly trt dose when I hit a nerve or angered something in my glute. So I heated up the remaining oil and back filled 0.3-0.4 into a clean insulin pin and hit my stomach with it. Heating pad after and all seemed well. Next morning work up with it red and very hard with tiny beads of sweat on the site. It was about the size of a half dollar. Decided after a day of working to hit urgent care as I had never seen the SC injection sites sweat! Dr took 1 look and was like wow you got a staph infection! Glad I went as I was noticing a bit more tired and the area was getting tender. 10 days of sulfa drugs and that was that. Took almost 2-3 months before the welt completely went away!! That was the last SQ shot of test I ever or will ever take! Lesson learned the hard way.
I'm not a fan of SC/SQ injections. Only thing I use in that regard is HCG and never any issues. That's a sterilized water solution not oil.

Been on TRT for 10 years. 9 year's self Rx'd and the last year under a Dr's care after a HPTA restart. In that decade I've tried SC 15 or so times with tons of different testosterone brands. Cyp and Enth alike. I've never had a positive outcome with any injection. Each and every time there was a lump or small amount of redness. I even experimented with 0.2-0.3 ml injections a few times a week and my body wasn't liking it.

2 yeara ago I had injected about 3/4 of my weekly trt dose when I hit a nerve or angered something in my glute. So I heated up the remaining oil and back filled 0.3-0.4 into a clean insulin pin and hit my stomach with it. Heating pad after and all seemed well. Next morning work up with it red and very hard with tiny beads of sweat on the site. It was about the size of a half dollar. Decided after a day of working to hit urgent care as I had never seen the SC injection sites sweat! Dr took 1 look and was like wow you got a staph infection! Glad I went as I was noticing a bit more tired and the area was getting tender. 10 days of sulfa drugs and that was that. Took almost 2-3 months before the welt completely went away!! That was the last SQ shot of test I ever or will ever take! Lesson learned the hard way.

The staph infection isn't from the act of doing a subq injection. It's a contaminated product or exterior of the product, dirty injection site or contaminated injection site. Some ppl like myself are also genetically predisposed to getting staph infections. You can get them from a simple contaminated popped pimple. They spread like wildfire on gym equipment. Your injection may have caused an infection but it isn't "because you injected subq"
Yes, something went array that day. Product was good as was sterilization of injection site. Im not sure exactly where I went wrong but I sure as hell did!
I think everybody is different. I can put pretty much anything in subq up to about 1ml. The only thing that has any issue is 200 mg/ml primo, but even that isn’t much. As far as the pharmokinetics go, they should be the same eventually, even if it takes marginally longer to get to full blood concentration subq.