Arimidex for testicular atrophy


New Member
Hey guys, ordering my first UL gear tonight from pharmacom. I've always ran clomid or hgc because I'm very susceptible to atrophy. It seems to work great. Unfortunately they don't have it. They only have Arimidex which I've never used. Does it work as well. I'm only doing sust250 then switching to test c and running those with equipoise. Done this simple cycle several times and it shreds me up. Thoughts on Arimidex?

Thanks in advance.
I think you need to go back to the stickies OP and read and read and read again about what these ancillaries do and dont do. You will then know that hcg and arimidex are nothing alike and will work for a different purpose. Read up.
Arimidex will do nothing but crush your estrogen, at that point shrunken nuts will be the least of your worries.... the biggest nuts in the world won't help with a limp dick. Do more research before you add hormones that you know nothing about.
if you are on TRT then Id blast every 10-12 wks with hcg @ 2500iu/wk for 2 wks, and only reason Im suggesting the hcg blast over a steady 500iu wkly is because of the shelf life once iys mixed.

As for traditional "cycling" nolvadex is shown to stimulate LH production more than arimadex, so Id be using nolva with PCT as well as hcg. Hcg can cause gyno itself in people prone to it, so I wouldnt use hcg without some form of anti e or AI, an AI being the better choice when using HCG. This is usually the primary reason guys will use both an AI as well as nolva during PCT and hcg. The nolva for LH stinulation and the AI to keep estrogen from forming in the first place.

Nolva simply stops estrogen from binding at receptor sites in the breast tissue, the AI stops conversion of estrogen altogether. I hope this helps